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Best Ways to Remove Rivets - 3 Ways to Remove Rivets

Rivmate Fastener

Rivmate Fastener

Top Rivet and Rivet Nut Manufacturer in China

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Rivmate open type blind pop rivet

Which do you think is the best way to remove rivets? Actually, it depends on the situation. This article shows you the three most effective ways to remove a blind rivet.

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What Are Blind Rivets?

A blind rivet is a riveted fastener that joins two or more pieces of sheet material. Its convenience can be a good substitute for screws and welding. Blind rivets can do the job of screws and welding.

Blind rivets have rivet and rivet body components. The rivet body is squeezed by using a special rivet installation tool to complete the tight connection.

Why Remove Blind Rivets?

Blind rivets are considered permanent connections and have no way of being reused. If you want to remove it, you have to destroy the structure of the rivet. So why do engineers sometimes spend so much time trying to remove it?

Actually the reason cannot be separated from the points of repairing, replacing parts or making structural modifications. In the actual production process, the blind rivet will be removed if the following situations are encountered.

  1. Damaged parts, need to repair or replace.
  2. Structural modification or upgrade, may need to remove the existing blind rivets.
  3. Aging or corrosion of the material being joined, replace with new blind rivets.
  4. Installation errors or defects
  5. Equipment or structure scrapping, dismantling or recycling of various parts of the material
Best Ways to Remove Rivets

3 Ways to Remove Blind Rivets

If you are experiencing any of these situations, you must remove the pultruded rivets. Then you can use the following three methods to perform the removal of the blind rivets.

1.Drill it Out

You can use a power drill or an appropriately sized drill bit for removal. Of course, you can also use a hand drill for rivet destruction. However, this method is not as clean as using a rivet removal tool to remove them. Also, using a drill to remove rivets may result in damage to the material and deformation of the hole. 

How to Remove Rivets

Some types of rivets may prevent the drill from working properly. For example, dome head blind rivets are difficult to remove with a drill. This is because there is no way to centre the drill on the dome head blind rivets.

2.Use a Grinder

In addition to using a drill, you can use a grinding machine to cut off the discarded rivets. This method of cutting is usually quick. For example, if you want to dispose of certain damaged items and intend not to use the parts anymore, this method will work well. The downside, however, is that using a grinding machine to remove the blind rivets can damage the surface of the material workpiece.

Remove Pop Rivets

3. Remove It Manually

If you are a DIY enthusiast, removing failed pultruded rivets relative to your own equipment and there are very few of these pultruded rivets. Then you can use tools like hammer and chisel. The method is the same as grinding machines, but you need to do this manually.

How to Install Pop Rivets ? - Drill and Check

This method of removing blind rivets is very time consuming and cumbersome. If you need to remove multiple similar failed rivets, a rivet removal tool is more appropriate.

Best Ways to Remove Rivets

So what’s the best way to remove a blind rivet? You need to consider several factors to choose the most suitable way to remove rivets.

1. Rivet Sizes and Materials

If your project uses conventional blind rivets, such as open end blind rivets, closed end blind rivets. Then you can use manual removal or electric drill to remove the blind rivets. These two ways of removing rivets can do the job well.

But for some high-strength structural blind rivets and large size blind rivets, if you use the above two ways to remove may not work well. At this time, you need to choose a more effective way to remove rivets or more powerful tools. For example, use a special rivet removal tool or a powerful grinding machine.

2. Avoid Affecting Surrounding Materials

If you are going to continue to use the equipment from which you are removing the blind rivets, then avoid damaging the surrounding materials. You need to choose a more precise removal method. For example, manual removal using a chisel or removing blind rivets with an electric drill.

3. Tool Availability

Of course, when you want to remove the blind rivets. Prioritise what tools you have around. If you don’t have a drill around, then you can only use chisels and hammers to remove the blind rivets as well.

4. Operating Environment

The exact type of demolition that is best will also need to be considered in the context of the site’s operating environment. If the demolition environment is very small and not suitable for the use of grinding machines or manual demolition, then only electric drills can be used. If there is no power supply at the site, manual demolition is the only option.


For the most part, the drill removal method is the best method for removing blind rivets because it is efficient and widely available. For small rivets or where field operations are limited, the rivet spade removal method can be used. For specialised occasions where high precision and reduced material damage is required, specialised rivet removal tools are the best choice. The choice of a specific method should be based on the type and size of the rivet, the surrounding material and the tools available.

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Does your project require new high quality blind rivets? Are you not sure which type of blind rivets you should use for your project? Don’t worry, at Rivmate, all of this is taken care of.

Rivmate can provide specialised riveting solutions tailored to your project or business. Contact our engineering today for a rivet quote.

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Types of Rivet Material: Comprehensive Guide

Rivmate Fastener

Rivmate Fastener

Top Rivet and Rivet Nut Manufacturer in China

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Cost of Rivets

Rivets are made from a variety of raw materials. Rivet makers often choose which material to use to produce rivets based on the purpose of the rivet, the required strength, corrosion resistance and other characteristics. Let’s explore types of rivet material.

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Types of Rivet Material

According to the actual use, the raw materials for the production of rivets are as follows:

  • Aluminum
  • Steel
  • Copper
  • Titanium
  • Monol Alloys

Rivet manufacturers often choose the raw materials used to produce rivets based on the needs of their customers.

1.Aluminum Rivet

Aluminum is a little more expensive than most steel, so why would a project still choose to use aluminum rivets? Because aluminum rivets have advantages that other materials do not:

  • Light weight
  • Corrosion resistance
  • Easy to process

If your project requires more lightweight equipment or is in a corrosion-resistant environment. You can choose Aluminum Blind Rivets to complete your project. Aluminum blind rivets can provide reliable, durable and cost-effective joining solutions.

2.Steel Rivet

Of course, steel as the most commonly used metal is also available as a raw material for the production of rivets. The use of steel as a raw material for blind riveting has several advantages.

  • High tensile and shear strength
  • Robustness and durability.
  • Good resistance to wear and tear
  • Relatively low cost, with a high degree of cost-effectiveness. Suitable for high volume production
  • Available in a wide range of steels (Low Carbon Steel, Alloy Steel)
Blind Rivets Price Per Box

Steel as a raw material for blind rivets offers the advantages of high strength, durability, resistance to wear and tear, affordability and a wide selection of types. Steel blind rivets are suitable for a wide range of use conditions such as construction and infrastructure, automotive and transportation, machinery and equipment, household appliances, electronic equipment and agricultural equipment. Depending on the specific application, rivets can be selected from mild steel, alloy steel or stainless steel to meet different strength, corrosion resistance and durability requirements.

3.Copper Rivet

Copper is used as the material of choice for electrical conductivity. If your project requires electrical conductivity, then you can purchase copper blind rivets. The main advantages of copper as a raw material for blind rivets are as follows:

  • Excellent electrical conductivity
  • Good corrosion resistance
  • Winning ground for bacteria and other microorganisms all the time
  • Easy to form and install
  • Unique metallic luster and aesthetic appearance
Types of Rivet Material - Copper Blind Rivets

Copper is often used in conductive, corrosion-resistant and antimicrobial applications because of its unique properties. Examples include the connection of electronic heat sinks, the assembly of high-precision medical device components and the assembly of decorative architectural and furniture components.

4.Titanium Blind Rivet

Very few blind rivets use titanium as a raw material. This is because it is too expensive! Generally you will only see titanium blind rivets in critical parts of aircraft structures, marine equipment or chemical equipment.

  • Titanium has an extremely high weight ratio. It is possible to reduce structural weight while providing excellent strength.
  • Titanium has excellent corrosion resistance in atmosphere, water and many chemical environments.
  • Titanium blind rivets maintain their strength and performance at elevated temperatures.
  • Titanium is non-magnetic and is ideal in applications where magnetic interference needs to be avoided.

Titanium Blind Rivets because of their high price and high performance solutions you will find them in very demanding equipment. Examples include structural connections in flight and spacecraft, high temperature equipment such as aircraft engines and heat converters.

5.Monol Rivet

Magna Lok Rivets for Sale - Bulk Huck Magna Lok Blind Rivets Wholesale

Monel alloy is a nickel-copper alloy with excellent corrosion resistance, high strength and good resistance to high temperatures. The reasons for using Monel alloy as a raw material for Blind Rivets are as follows:

  • Extremely high corrosion resistance, including seawater, acidic and alkaline environments and high salt environments.
  • High strength and toughness to withstand high loads and stresses.
  • Good resistance to oxidation, preventing surface oxidation or degradation.

Monol blind rivets are generally found in extreme applications. Examples include extreme corrosive environments, marine engineering and the chemical industry. Or the connection of components of heavy machinery and high-pressure equipment and the connection of high-temperature pipes and engine components.

A large quantity of rivets

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How to Choose the Right Types of Rivet Material for Your Project?

A number of factors need to be considered when selecting the right rivet material for your project. These include the application environment, material properties, load requirements, budget and special needs. Below are some steps and considerations for selecting rivet materials:

1. Determine the Application Environment

Rivets are used in a variety of environments and can be adapted to basically any extreme application scenario. Traditional application environments we do not know in depth, because rivets can be very effective. Rivets may be applied to extreme application environments are as follows:

  • Marine Environment
  • Chemical Environment
  • High Temperature Environment
  • Low Temperature Environment
  • High Gumidity Environment
  • Exposure to Weather Conditions

As a user or purchaser, you need to be well aware of the specific application environment of your project. Choose the right rivet material according to the actual application scenario. Only in this way, the rivets can be maximized!

2. Consideration of Load Requirements

Different projects have different strength requirements for rivets. For example, if your project is a steel structure connection, heavy equipment connection and other applications that require high strength. Then you should choose high strength materials such as alloy steel, stainless steel and titanium. If your project is a medium duty application, then choose materials with moderate strength such as aluminum and mild steel.

Custom Raw Material

Of course, some projects have special requirements for the shear and tensile strength of rivets. If high shear strength is required, choose materials such as stainless steel and high strength alloy steels. If high tensile strength is required, choose materials such as titanium and alloy steels.

3. Determination of Material Properties

If you have special needs for your project, such as requirements for weight, conductivity, and appearance. You can refer to the following standards.

  • Weight
    • Lightweight needs: choose lightweight materials such as aluminum and titanium.
    • Weight insensitive: choose steel, brass and copper.
  • Electrical Conductivity
    • Conductivity required: choose copper or brass.
    • Insulation or no need for conductivity: choose aluminum or stainless steel.
  • Aesthetic and Decorative
    • Decorative needs: choose aesthetically pleasing materials such as brass and copper.
    • Utility-oriented: choose materials with superior performance, such as stainless steel and alloy steel.

4. Budget and Cost

If you don’t have a big budget for your project, but want to achieve a great connection. Choose mild steel or aluminum. If the performance of the rivets is important, choose high-strength materials such as titanium and Monoel alloys.

And, of course, try to produce rivets in large quantities. This will reduce your costs considerably. Generally speaking, the retail price of rivets is several times or more than the wholesale price of rivets! If you want to know more about cost of rivet, read this guide – “How Much Do Rivets Cost?”.


Now that you have read the detailed guide above, many things about types of rivet material must be clear by now. And you now know the conditions and application scenarios of different types of rivet material. I am sure that you are ready to choose the right rivet for your project! If you have other needs, please contact our engineers and you will get a professional rivet solution.

Rivmate Rivet Riveting:  Combination of Safety and Stability!

Are you ready to choose the right, high quality rivets for your project? At Rivmate Rivet, you’ll get the most cost-effective blind rivets available. It has affordability and high quality. So contact Rivmate Rivet today and achieve a long and consistent riveting!

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3 Differect Types of Rivet Heads You Need to Know

Rivmate Fastener

Rivmate Fastener

Top Rivet and Rivet Nut Manufacturer in China

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Types of Rivet Heads

A basic guide to understanding the 3 different types of rivet heads : types, differences, applications. How to choose the right types of rivet head for your project?

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Using the right rivet head is critical to the safety of your project. As one of the most important factors in choosing rivets, rivet heads can offer a variety of different specialized features for your project. Examples include waterproofing, dustproofing and reducing stress concentrations. The right rivet heads can help you get the job done. They ensure the tightest connection without harming the surface of the material. It makes riveting safe and stable.

In this article, we will reveal the three types of rivet heads and their various aspects.

What is a Rivet Head?

Large Flange Head Blind Rivets

The Rivet Head is the part of the rivet that sits on top of the rivet. The Rivet Head is a key component used to provide mechanical lock and connection during rivet installation and fixing.

The primary purpose of the rivet head is to provide mechanical locking action while distributing the load. Different rivet head shapes and designs are suitable for different application scenarios and functional requirements. However, rivet heads are not not versatile, for example, LARGE FLANGE HEAD RIVET can be used in place of a DOME HEAD RIVET, and vice versa.

Engineers or rivet buyers usually choose the right rivet head according to their project requirements. If you know how to choose the right rivet head for your project, read on.

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Different Types of Rivet Head

There are three common rivet head types on the market:

  1. Dome Head
  2. Countersunk Head
  3. Large Flange Head

1.Dome Head Blind Rivet

Dome head blind rivets are a very common type of rivet head. It has a hemispherical head and is suitable for a variety of applications.

Types of Rivet Heads - Dome Head Blind Rivets

Dome head is also the most used type of rivet head. It provides a larger head contact area than a nail, spreading the pressure evenly. It can effectively prevent deformation or damage to the material. Of course, dome head blind rivet can make the connection part withstand higher shear force and tensile strength. This ensures that the connection remains stable and strong under high loads.

Applications of Dome Head Blind Rivet

You can see dome head blind rivets on many items and devices. Here are some common applications of dome head rivets:

  • In the automotive industry, it is critical that fasteners can withstand body loads and vibrations.Dome head blind rivets can attach automotive body panels, interior trim and accessories.
  • In electronic devices, their housings need a flat appearance, avoiding sharp corners and protrusions.Dome head can provide a strong mechanical fixing and a beautiful appearance.
  • Builders need fasteners that provide a strong connection with sufficient stability and durability. Dome head provides good shear and tensile strength.
  • Engineers use blind rivets when looking for ways to reduce the overall weight of an airplane, and these lightweight rivets ensure safe flight and structural stability while reducing weight.

2.Countersunk Head Blind Rivet

The primary purpose of using Countersunk Head Rivet is to provide a smooth surface. And  it allows the rivet head to be flush with or embedded in the material surface. This design is used to address specific mechanical and aesthetic needs.

In high-speed moving equipment or vehicles, protruding rivet heads can increase air resistance.Countersunk Blind Rivets provide an excellent solution to this problem. In mechanical or electronic equipment, protruding rivet heads may interfere with the operation or assembly of other components. Countersunk head rivets provide a flat surface that avoids interference and ensures proper operation and installation of other components.

Types of Rivet Heads - Countersunk Head Blind Rivets

Countersunk head rivets provide a smooth surface that reduces resistance to air or water flow, prevents interference and enhances aesthetics. This is why it is used in a wide range of applications such as aerospace, automotive manufacturing, electronic equipment, furniture manufacturing, construction and decoration, as well as marine and offshore engineering.

3.Large Flange Head Blind Rivet

The primary purpose of using Large Flange Head Rivet is to provide a larger contact area to spread the load and prevent material damage, especially when joining soft or thin materials. Most metal rivets have no way of joining soft materials. But Large flange head blind rivet provides a good solution for this.

Large flange head blind rivets are not only suitable for joining soft or brittle materials. Large flange head blind rivets are not only suitable for joining soft or brittle materials, but also provide greater tensile strength than dome head blind rivets, and the design of the large flange head prevents the material from tearing at the edges.

Types of Rivet Heads - Large Flange Head Blind Rivets

Applications of Large Flange Head Blind Rivet

Here are some common applications for large flange head blind rivet:

  • Large flange head blind rivets can be used for metal roof and wall panel connections. They prevent tearing and deformation caused by wind and other external forces.
  • This type of rivet is also used for thinner household appliance housings and internal component connections. Prevents damage and loosening during use.
  • It is also used to join sheets and conforming materials in furniture manufacturing. It is effective in preventing material tearing and damage.
A large quantity of rivets

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Factors to Consider when Choosing Different Types of Rivet Heads

Here are some factors to consider when choosing the right different types of rivet heads patterns for your project.

1.Characterization of Materials

There are many different types of materials being joined (e.g., metals, plastics, composites, etc.). Different materials affect the choice of rivet head type. For example, soft materials typically require a larger contact area to spread the load, so a large flange head rivet is more suitable.

The thickness of the material determines the suitability of the rivet head. Thick materials are usually suitable for dome head rivets and countersunk head rivets, while thin materials are suitable for large flange head rivets to prevent deformation and damage.

2.Load and Strength Requirements

Different head types of rivets perform differently in terms of tensile and shear strength. If your project requires a high level of strength, all three types of rivets are available. This is the time to use high strength structural rivets.

If you need to spread the load to prevent stress concentrations, large flange head rivets provide a larger contact area, reducing material damage.

Difference Types of Rivet Heads

3.Appearance and Aesthetic Requirements

If your customers have high aesthetic demands (e.g., furniture manufacturing and household appliances), choosing a countersunk head rivet head pattern with a decorative effect will maintain the overall appearance.

For applications that require a smooth surface (such as electronic equipment and high-end furniture), countersunk head rivets provide a flat surface that prevents the rivet head from protruding.

4.Application Scenarios

  • Construction and Infrastructure: Connections requiring high strength and durability are often made with large flange head rivets or structural rivets.
  • Automotive: The connection of body panels and interior trim requires countersunk head rivets or large flange head rivets to ensure flat surfaces and high strength connections.
  • Aerospace: Countersunk head rivets and structural rivets are common choices for lightweight and high-strength structural connections.
  • Electronic equipment: housing and component connections require smooth surfaces and reliable fastening, choose countersunk head blind rivets.
What Are Pop Rivets Used For? - Pop Rivets for Electronic Devices


Understanding the different types of rivet heads is critical to ensuring the quality and safety of your project. Whether your project is for thin sheet joining, automotive structural joining or soft material joining. The three different types of rivet heads listed above will meet your needs. So, after learning the basics of rivet heads, invest in a reliable rivet for your riveting project.

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Rivmate offers all types of rivets and rivet solutions. Their high quality and durable products are available for all your riveting needs. Request an instant quote and our team of experts will help you select the perfect rivets for your project.

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How Much Do Rivets Cost? A Complete Guide

Rivmate Fastener

Rivmate Fastener

Top Rivet and Rivet Nut Manufacturer in China

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How Much Do Rivets Cost

How much do rivets cost? Explore the cost of rivets,from standard rivets to high-strength structural rivets, and the factors that affect their price.

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Are you looking for high quality blind rivets for your project or company business? Before that you need to know how much blind rivets cost? Don’t worry! This article will give you a crash course on blind rivets and the factors that affect their total cost.

We’ll break down the various kinds of blind rivets and pop rivets, from the commonly used standard blind rivets to the high-strength structural blind rivets. After reading this article, you will be an expert on the subject.

Blind Rivets are a product of the last hundred years though. But because of its unique advantages, has become an important part of industrial manufacturing.Blind rivets have a wide range of types, from the commonly used open type blind rivets, closed end blind rivets to high-strength structural rivets, such as monobolt rivet, bom rivet, lockbolt.The principles of these blind rivets are similar, but the performance differences are relatively large. So their main use scenarios are also different.

We can categorize blind rivets into four parts.

1.Standard Blind Rivets

Standard blind rivets mainly contains two kinds of frequently used blind rivets: 1. open type blind rivet 2. closed end blind rivet. This type of blind rivet connection principle is relatively simple. Completely by the rivet body of the extrusion deformation and the formation of a stable fastening.

Standard blind rivets are suitable for simple projects and light duty applications. As they have limited strength and are not capable of withstanding high strength connections.

In addition, we have found that open type blind rivets and closed end blind rivets are used in very large quantities. The ability to provide some strength and fast installation makes them the best choice for large factories working on multiple projects at the same time.

You can install more than one standard blind rivets in your facility. After all, they are the least expensive!

Rivmate open type blind pop rivet

2.Structural Rivets

Structural blind rivets are used in the same way as standard blind rivets. The installation of the rivets is accomplished with the use of a specialized blind rivet gun.

However, structural blind rivets have higher strength, can meet the strength requirements of heavy equipment, and have more functionality.

Structural Blind Rivets are best suited for the production and connection of various large industrial equipment. For example, the connection of key parts of automobile manufacturing, the assembly and connection of heavy equipment.

Riveted Connections in Steel Structures - How to Choose Pop Rivets for Steel Structures?

3.High Strength Blind Rivets

High strength blind rivets are blind rivets designed for heavy duty equipment and applications. They can withstand the demands of a wide variety of various large equipment and projects.

The operation of high strength rivets is similar to other types of blind rivets, but the tools used are different. Normal blind rivet guns may not be able to achieve the strength required to attach high strength rivets. Instead of using traditional bolts, you can use high-strength rivets that do not require access to the sides of the equipment and can be installed quickly.

Manufacturing plants are often looking for efficiency in production, saving time and labor costs. This is very important for manufacturers. So high strength rivets become the best choice!

If you are interested, we have also prepared an article on Blind Rivet vs Bolt.

Types of pop rivets - Rivmate Blind Rivet Supplier

4.Special Blind Rivets

Rivmate SPR Rivet(Self piercing rivet)
Self Piercing Rivet
Avdel Speed Rivets
Speed Rivets
Ground Rivet

There are also some rivets that are shaped differently than traditional blind rivets. These rivets are designed to solve some specific applications.

Specialty rivets include speed rivet, spr rivet and ground blind rivet among others. They can be used to complete projects that cannot be done with blind rivets at a very low economic cost. Therefore, the market demand for these specialty rivets is also high.

Special Blind Rivets can be used to complete the entire project quickly with their unique design. For example, speed rivets can be used in large-scale assembly lines to save labor costs, and Spr rivets specialize in riveting thin panels, which are used in a large number of applications in automotive door panels. As long as you have the specialized tools to use these rivets in your factory, you can save a lot of money on labor costs and get more bang for your buck.

Such equipment can perform multiple tasks on multiple production lines at the same time and is excellent in mass production.

A large quantity of rivets

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Cost of Rivets

Prices vary greatly from one tired heart moreblind rivet to another. Cheap blind rivet prices are similar to screws. In contrast, a high strength structural rivet will cost more than the price of a book.

We can divide the price of blind rivets into three parts.

Note that the prices are in US dollars. Prices are subject to change at any time, and the prices listed in this article are for reference only!

How Much Do Rivets Cost A Complete Guide

1. Low Cost --- Standard Blind Rivets

Now, let’s talk about the least expensive but most used blind rivets on the market. You can spend only $0.002 for one of the smallest sizes of open end blind rivets. It will fulfill the strength requirements of everyday life.

This type of rivet mainly connects non-load bearing joints. It mainly connects the assembly of the housing of household appliances, the fixing of water pipes and some other common scenarios. This type of rivet is the best choice for household appliances manufacturing, furniture assembly and decorative items.

2.Heavy Duty Blind Rivets

Suitable structural rivets cost between $0.01 and $0.04. At this price point, your choice of structural rivets will meet the usage requirements for the vast majority of applications.

Structural rivets at this price point can withstand high levels of strength. And structural rivets have their own characteristics, such as corrosion resistance, waterproofing, dustproofing, ultra-high strength and suitability for soft materials. Unlike welding, rivets can be installed without damaging the surface of the material being joined.

In this case, engineers only need to apply a special rivet gun, and can easily complete the whole installation process. Compared with traditional blind rivets, structural rivets have a great improvement in quality, function and applicability.

3.High Strength Structural Rivets

Finally, let’s look at high-strength blind rivets. Fasteners that can withstand ultra-high strength are always expensive, and high-strength blind rivets are no exception. Prices for high strength blind rivets start at $0.10 and go up to $50/piece.

All high strength rivets can withstand the weight of heavy equipment. Their strength properties far exceed those of other fasteners of the same price.

Heavy equipment must remain in stable operation and their safety is critical. No matter how expensive the fastener is, it is not superfluous. You’re not just paying for the performance of your equipment, you’re paying for the reliability of the connection.

The consequences of a safety issue with heavy equipment can be severe. Only with safe and stable operation can the equipment provide you with ample benefits. High-strength rivets are usually installed in the steel structure of the connection, heavy equipment load-bearing joints and railroad track connection.

A large quantity of rivets

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Blind rivets have gradually overtaken traditional screw-bolt connections and welding. The biggest advantage of blind rivets is the fast and stable completion of the connection.

Cost of Rivets

The following is a brief list of the advantages of blind rivets over conventional bolting and welding.

  • Can be mounted from one side
  • Very quick installation process
  • Very lightweight, helping to reduce the overall weight of the structure
  • The rivets are permanently attached and do not need to be checked for tightness.
  • Blind rivets do not require high temperatures for installation and do not cause thermal stress, distortion or changes in material properties.
  • A wide range of different materials can be joined, such as metals and plastics.
  • The process is very safe and does not involve flames, electric arcs or high temperatures.
  • No harmful fumes or gases are generated during installation.

If you want to know more about “riveting vs welding” and “rivets vs bolts“. Please check out these two articles.

6 Factors that Influence the Cost of Rivets

The price of Blind rivets depends on several complex factors. Each of the factors listed below affects the total cost of blind rivets in different ways.

1.Rivet Type

Open type blind rivets are the cheapest type of rivets. In contrast, any rivets that are high strength or have special features will be an added cost to the rivet.


The price of rivets made from different materials varies greatly. Commonly used materials include aluminum, steel, stainless steel and copper. In general, steel rivets are less expensive, aluminum rivets are moderate, and stainless steel rivets and the same rivets are more expensive.

3.Dimensions and Specifications

The larger the size of the Blind rivets and the more material used, the price will increase. Different head types (e.g. round head, countersunk head, large flange head) and special shapes of rivets are complicated to manufacture and more expensive.


Producing large quantities usually reduces unit costs. Therefore rivets purchased in large quantities are usually less expensive.

Smaller production runs and customized rivets will have a higher unit price because the production line will need to be adjusted and the cost spread will be much higher.

5.Special Requirement

If your project’s has special requirements for rivets, the price will be much higher. For example, rivets used in marine or chemical environments need to be highly corrosion resistant. High strength rivets require the use of specific materials and processes and are more expensive than ordinary rivets.


Famous brands such as huck, avdel usually have higher prices. In fact huck, avdel don’t produce most of the rivets anymore and import high quality rivets from China.

A large quantity of rivets

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To accommodate a variety of usage scenarios, blind rivets come in a variety of types and sizes at different prices. Choosing the best blind rivets for your business involves assessing the current needs of your project and getting the most appropriate product.

Traditional blind rivets may be quite attractive due to their low price. But it cannot connect heavy equipment like railroad tracks. If your project requires high strength, you need to choose from high strength structural rivets. Although it may increase the cost of your project, your equipment will be safer and you will benefit more.

Take Your Business to New Heights with Rivmate's Blind Rivets

Rivmate is a leading Blind Rivet manufacturer and supplier in China. We have served customers from more than 100 countries and regions around the world for more than a decade.

We have a very strict quality inspection system to meet the requirements of various applications in the market. Our commitment to quality, attention to detail and specialized knowledge of rivets has helped us to gain a firm foothold in the international market.

Buy high quality blind rivets or high strength structural rivets. We also provide product material support to help you take your customers!

Before you buy Blind Rivets in bulk, please contact our professional engineers to provide you with the exact

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Types of Rivets and Their Application - The Ultimate Guide

Rivmate Fastener

Rivmate Fastener

Top Rivet and Rivet Nut Manufacturer in China

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Types of pop rivets - Rivmate Blind Rivet Supplier

Do you know types of Rivets and their Application.There are Many Different Types of Rivets in Order to be Suitable for Different Applications.Let’s take a look at it in detail

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History of Rivets

Rivet is a mechanical fastener used to join two or more pieces of material. It has a very long history that runs through the development or human civilization.

As early as around 2000 BC, rivets have been used to join metal and wood. During the Middle Ages, rivets were widely used in the manufacture of armor and weapons for knights. In addition to this, rivets were also used to join wooden bridges and buildings to enhance structural stability.

After the Industrial Revolution, rivets began to be used in a wide range of industrial applications. Including steam engines, boilers, railroad track connections and the construction of steel ship hulls. The famous Eiffel Tower and Golden Gate Bridge were built using rivets.

Rivmate Monobolt Rivet - Mono-Lock Blind Rivet

Blind rivet was invented in the mid-20th century. Its appearance greatly simplified the riveting process, replacing the traditional rivet, especially in single-sided operation applications.

With the development of automation technology, the role of blind rivets in industry has become increasingly critical. Its emergence has made industrial mass production possible.

4 Types of Rivets

The history of rivets is a long one. During this long history of development, many types of rivets have emerged. These include hollow rivets, solid rivets, blind rivets and high strength structural rivets.

I.Hollow Rivets

Hollow rivet has a hollow structure. It is often found in applications where weight reduction, lower material usage and efficient installation are required.

The design of the Hollow rivet makes it extremely lightweight, helping to reduce the overall weight of the structure. The design also reduces the amount of material used, which can effectively reduce production costs.

7 Types Rivets for Sheet Metal - Tubular Rivets

How do Hollow Rivets Work?

First, you need to select the appropriate hollow rivets. select the appropriate length and diameter of the hollow rivet based on the actual material thickness and application requirements of your project. then drill the holes in the material to be riveted. It is important to note that the hole diameter should match the diameter of the rivet.

In the next stage, the hollow rivet is inserted into the drilled hole, making sure that the head of the rivet is pressed against the surface of the material.

Finally, using a manual or pneumatic riveting tool, pull or tap the tail of the rivet to deform and fasten it to the back of the material. Check the rivet connection to make sure the rivet is fully deformed.

Hollow rivet is lightweight, saves material and is easy to install. These features make it an ideal mechanical fastener for a variety of applications. However, hollow rivet is not suitable for connecting heavy equipment because it is not very strong.

Applications of Hollow Rivets

Hollow rivet reduces the overall weight of the structure and is therefore particularly suitable for use in areas where lightweighting is required.

In aerospace, hollow rivet reduces structural loads on aircraft, improving fuel efficiency and performance. In automotive manufacturing, hollow rivet can be used to connect vehicle interiors, ensuring a strong connection while reducing body weight.

II.Solid Rivets

Solid rivets are the most traditional and basic type of rivets. Due to their very high strength, they are widely used in a variety of applications where high strength and durability are required for connections.

Solid rivets have a solid rivet body and are made of a metal material that provides high strength and durability.

Blind Rivet vs Solid Rivet - What are Solid Rivets

How do Solid Rivets Work?

The installation of solid rivets is complex and slow. You need to prepare a special solid rivet installation tool in advance (the cost of this tool is very high). Then choose the right size of solid rivets according to the actual situation of your project. Drill holes in the material to be riveted.

Insert the solid rivet into the drilled hole. Apply pressure with the installation tool to deform the end of the rivet to form the “head”.

Blind Rivet vs Solid Rivet - Workspace for Solid Rivets

Applications of Solid Rivets

Solid rivets are used in application scenarios where there is a high demand for strength at the connection point. For example, the connection of key parts of aircraft structure; the connection of key parts of automobile chassis; the steel structure connection of buildings and bridges and the assembly of heavy equipment.

III.Blind Rivets

Blind rivets are a new type of rivet that was only invented in the early 20th century. Blind rivets can effectively solve the problem of narrow spaces where installation cannot be accomplished.The most important feature of Blind rivets is that they can be installed from one side.

Blind rivets can be installed very quickly, and there are many types of blind rivets to suit different application scenarios. For example, open end blind rivets are suitable for general mechanical connections, closed end blind rivets provide good waterproofing, and Peel type blind rivets reduce pressure concentrations and are suitable for connecting soft materials.

Blind Rivets Price Per Box

How do Blind Rivets Work?

Blind rivets are the easiest and quickest of the rivet types to install. This is why Blind rivets are available in large scale production.

Blind rivets are formed by the deformation of the rivet body to form an extruded, stabilized joint.

How to Install Pop Rivets? - Pull the Mandrel Until it Breaks


Common examples of blind rivets include:

  • Open Type Blind Rivets
  • Sealed Type Blind Rivets
  • Peel Type Blind Rivets

Applications of Blind Rivets

Blind rivets are the most widely used of all rivet types. Blind rivets are used in both light equipment and heavy industry, such as automotive manufacturing, aerospace manufacturing, construction and infrastructure connections. Blind rivets are used in electronics and furniture manufacturing.

It can be said that in modern industrial production, blind rivets are everywhere.

A large quantity of rivets

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IV.Structural Rivets

Structural rivets are also known as high strength rivets. It is a type of rivet specifically designed to withstand high loads and provide high strength connections. They are widely used in structural connections that require high strength and durability, such as in construction, bridges, heavy equipment, aerospace and automotive manufacturing.

Types of pop rivets - Rivmate Blind Rivet Supplier

How do Structural Rivets Work?

The joining principle of structural rivets is similar to that of other rivets. But structural rivets have one great feature. The locking mechanism of structural rivets is specially designed. In order to enhance the strength of the connection, to ensure that the rivets are firmly locked after installation, to prevent loosening, the locking device of the structural rivets are specially designed.


Common examples of blind rivets include:

  • Monobolt Rivets
  • Lockbolt Rivets
  • Bom Rivets
  • Hemlok Rivets
  • Hucklok Rivets
  • Multi Grip Blind Rivets
  • Bulb Tite Blind Rivets

Applications of Structural Rivets

Blind Rivets for Solar Panel
  • Structural Steel Connections for Buildings and Bridges: Connections in critical areas provide high strength and durability to ensure structural stability and safety.
  • Wind and Seismic Resistance: Structural rivets are capable of withstanding high wind and seismic stresses for high-rise buildings and critical infrastructure.
  • Machinery and Equipment: Used in the connection of key components of heavy machinery and equipment, such as excavators, cranes and rollers, to ensure stability under high loads.
  • Construction Vehicles: Used in chassis and body connections of construction vehicles to provide high strength and vibration resistance.
  • Body and Chassis Connections: Used in the connection of body panels, chassis and suspension systems, providing high strength and durability to ensure the safety and stability of the vehicle during driving.
  • Safety Components: Used in the manufacture of critical safety components such as seat belt buckles and brake systems to ensure high reliability.
A large quantity of rivets

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Comparison of 4 Types of Rivets

FeatureSolid RivetHollow RivetBlind RivetStructural Rivet
StructureSolid, robustHollow, lightweightHollow with a mandrelSolid or special design, high strength with locking mechanism
StrengthVery high, suitable for high-load applicationsLower, suitable for light to medium-load applicationsMedium, suitable for general load applicationsVery high, suitable for high-load and critical structural applications
WeightHeavy, adds weight to the structureLight, suitable for weight reduction applicationsMedium, depends on materialMedium to heavy, depending on design and material
Installation DifficultyRequires access from both sides and specialized toolsRequires access from both sides, relatively easy to installSingle-sided operation, quick installation, ideal for situations where access from both sides is not possibleRequires specialized tools, more complex installation, provides high-strength connection
Application AreasAerospace, construction, bridges, heavy machineryElectronics, light structures, furniture manufacturingAutomotive, construction, electronics, furniture manufacturingConstruction, bridges, heavy equipment, aerospace, automotive manufacturing
Vibration ResistanceHigh, suitable for high-vibration environmentsLower, not suitable for high-vibration environmentsMedium, some types have anti-vibration designsVery high, designed to prevent loosening in high-vibration environments
DurabilityVery high, suitable for long-term useHigh, but depends on material and environmentMedium, suitable for various environmentsVery high, suitable for harsh environments and long-term use
Material ChoicesSteel, aluminum, stainless steel, copperAluminum, steel, stainless steel, copperAluminum, steel, stainless steel, copperHigh-strength alloy steel, stainless steel, aluminum alloy
Corrosion ResistanceHigh, especially with stainless steel and coated materialsMedium, depends on specific materials and environmentMedium to high, some models have corrosion-resistant designsHigh, especially with stainless steel and coated materials
Common TypesRound head, flat head, countersunkRound head, countersunkOpen-end, closed-end, peel type, large flange, multi-gripBOM庐 Rivet, Monobolt庐 Rivet, HuckBolt庐 Rivet, Magnalok庐 Rivet

Which Type of Rivet to Choose?

There are several factors to consider when choosing the right rivets for your project:

  1. Determine Application Requirements: Determine your project’s load requirements, such as high load, medium load, and low load applications. Different types of rivets (hollow rivets, solid rivets, blind rivets, structural rivets) are suitable for different application scenarios.
  2. Material Considerations: Ensure that the material of the rivet is compatible with the material being riveted, whether it be metal, plastic, wood or other substances. Electrochemical corrosion may occur between incompatible metal materials.
  3. Installation Environment: Determine one or two-sided operation, consider waterproofing and corrosion protection needs
  4. Budget and Cost: Balance cost and performance and select a cost-effective rivet.

By evaluating these factors, you can select the rivet that best meets your project needs and ensures optimal performance.


Now that you have read the detailed guide above, the history and many other things about riveting must now be clear. And you are now aware of the different types of rivets available and its various applications. As industrial technology evolves, rivets will gradually replace traditional welding and complex joining processes. We look forward to the arrival of rivets as the dominant joining method!

Rivmate Rivet: Combination of Affordability and High Quality

Are you ready to choose high quality and reliable rivets for your project or business? At Rivmate, you will get the most cost-effective rivets with affordable prices and quality that exceeds international standards. So, contact Rivmate Rivet today and realize a secure, stable and long lasting connection!

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What is a Closed End Rivet? The Comprehensive Guide

Rivmate Fastener

Rivmate Fastener

Top Rivet and Rivet Nut Manufacturer in China

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Rivmate Sealed Blind Pop Rivets

Closed end rivets are commonly used as blind rivets in industrial manufacturing processes, and I’m sure you’ve come across and purchased closed end rivets in your business, so have you had an in-depth look at what is a closed end rivet?

Next, I will explain the following closed end rivet in detail for you.

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What is a Closed End Rivet?

Rivmate Aluminum Sealed Type Blind Pop Rivet

Closed end rivets are a type of blind rivet. Unlike ordinary rivets, closed end rivets are watertight. closed end rivets form a seal at the end of the rivet after installation, effectively preventing liquids or gases from leaking through the riveted joint.

Closed end blind rivets are available in dome head, countersunk head and large flange head. And it can provide 100% mandrel fixing, this feature makes it widely used in electronic equipment or other electrical applications.

Types of Closed End Rivets

Closed end rivets come in many different types, but what they all have in common is that they are waterproof.

So what are the different types of closed end rivets?

Different Materials

Closed end rivets are made from different materials to suit different purposes. Here are some common material combinations for closed end rivetd.

  • Carbon Steel Mandrel / Aluminum Body
  • Aluminum Mandrel / Aluminum Body
  • Stainless Steel Mandrel / Aluminum Body
  • Carbon Steel Mandrel / Carbon Steel Body
  • 420 Stainless Steel Mandrel / 304 Stainless Steel Body
  • 304 Stainless Steel Mandrel / 304 Stainless Steel Body
  • 316 Stainless Steel Mandrel / 316 Stainless Steel Body
  • Carbon Steel Mandrel / Copper Body

Some materials cannot be used together. For example, aluminum and copper can corrode electrochemically. If you have a need for closed end rivets, you can contact us to get these high quality closed end rivets.

Different Head Shapes

What is a Closed End Rivet?
Large Flange Head Closed End Rivets
Rivmate Aluminum Sealed Type Blind Pop Rivet
Countersunk Head Closed End Rivets

Rivmate can provide you with closed end rivets for all common head sizes on the market.

  1. Dome Head Closed End Rivets
  2. Countersunk Head Closed End Rivets
  3. Large Flange Head Closed End Rivets

What is the Difference Between Open And Closed End Rivets?

Closed end rivets and open end rivets belong to the two types of blind rivets that are commonly used. They differ significantly in design, function and application scenarios.

Design and Structure

Open End Rivet has an open end. During the riveting process, the mandrel pulls the rivet body to deform the end to form a “ball” shaped locking structure.

Closed End Rivet tail is closed, forming a sealed cavity, in the riveting process, the tail deformation remains sealed.

Functionality and Performance

Open end rivets do not provide a seal and are not suitable for applications where water or gas resistance is required. It provides good mechanical joint strength for general structural and assembly tasks, but does not perform as well as closed end rivets in highly corrosive environments.

Closed end rivets provide an effective seal against leakage of liquids and gases through the riveted joint and are well suited to applications where a seal is required. And its closed design provides additional corrosion protection for more demanding environmental conditions.


Aircraft Blind Rivets - How to Choose Blind Rivets for Aircraft? - Material Compatibility

Open end rivets are widely used in a variety of industrial and manufacturing applications such as sheet metal working, furniture manufacturing, household appliances and light structural assembly.
Open end rivets are suitable for high volume production and cost sensitive projects due to their low manufacturing cost and ease of installation.

Closed End Blind Rivets for Aluminum Boats

Closed end rivets are suitable for scenarios requiring hermetic sealing, such as the automotive industry, electronic equipment, construction and infrastructure, marine and shipbuilding, aerospace and more. And due to their waterproof and corrosion-resistant properties, closed end rivets excel in high humidity and corrosive environments, ensuring long-term reliability of the connection.

The above briefly explains the different application scenarios of open end rivets and closed end rivets. If you want to know more about the different applications of blind rivets, please read the following article “Applications of blind rivets“.

FeatureOpen-End RivetClosed-End Rivet
Tail DesignOpenClosed
Sealing CapabilityNo sealing functionProvides sealing, preventing liquid and gas leakage
Strength and SuitabilitySuitable for general structural and assembly tasksSuitable for applications requiring sealing and in highly corrosive environments
Corrosion ResistanceLower, especially in corrosive environmentsHigher, suitable for humid and corrosive environments
Application ScenariosSheet metal work, furniture manufacturing, home appliances, light structural assemblyAutomotive industry, electronic devices, construction and infrastructure, marine and shipbuilding, aerospace
Ease of InstallationEasy to install, suitable for mass production and cost-sensitive projectsSimilar installation process but requires specialized tools to ensure sealing
Typical UsesGeneral industrial applicationsApplications requiring water or airtight sealing and corrosion resistance

I made a brief explanation of open end rivets and closed end rivets. And it’s listed in a tabular comparison. If you want a deeper understanding of “open end vs closed end rivets”, read this hyperlinked article.

Are Closed End Rivets Watertight?

Closed end rivets were designed from the ground up to be waterproof. Its design features make it particularly suitable for applications where sealing is required.

So why are closed end rivets waterproof?

The waterproof performance of closed end rivets depends on the following two aspects:

  1. Closed end design
  2.  Materials and Coatings
Do Pop Rivets Leak? - The Comprehensive Guide-Rivmate Aluminum Closed Blind Pop Rivet

1. Closed End Sign

Closed end rivets have a closed end, forming a complete sealing chamber. This design prevents leakage of liquids or gases through the rivet joint during rivet installation, ensuring a watertight connection.

2. Materials and Coatings

Corrosion-Resistant Materials: Sealed rivets are typically made of stainless steel, aluminum or other corrosion-resistant materials that are inherently waterproof and corrosion-resistant.

Protective Coatings: Protective coatings are added to the surface of some Sealed Rivets to further enhance their water and corrosion resistance.

In addition to the closed end rivet, there are other types of rivets in the blind rivet that are also waterproof. If you want to know more about waterproof rivets, please read my article “are rivets waterproof?”. This article explains in detail whether rivets are waterproof or not.


Having read this far, I believe you have a brief understanding of “what is a closed end rivet”. Whether it’s types of closed end rivets or closed end blind rivets, you’ve gained a deeper understanding of the material and head shape through this article.

Engineers often use closed end rivets in devices that need to be waterproof and dustproof. This reduces the overall cost of the project and ensures that the equipment operates properly.

If you are looking for a reliable manufacturer of closed end pop rivets. Contact us today. You will find a satisfactory answer!

Rivmate Has the Closed End Rivets You Need

Rivmate has closed end rivets for every application.We offer closed end rivets in a variety of diameters, lengths, and materials, so you can find the closed end rivets you need no matter what your project is.

If you are not sure which closed end rivets are practical for your project. Please contact one of our specialized engineers. They will give you a suitable suggestion and solution for closed end rivets.

Of course, Rivmate provides more than just various types of closed end rivets. If you have other blind rivets sourcing needs, you can contact us!

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Lockbolt vs Huck Bolt - The Ultimate Guide

Rivmate Fastener

Rivmate Fastener

Top Rivet and Rivet Nut Manufacturer in China

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Types of Lockbolts - How to Choose Lockbolts for Your Project?

Lockbolt vs huck bolt is an issue that engineers should know more about. Do you often hear the names lockbolt and huck bolt. Do you get confused? This blog will give you a comprehensive explanation of lockbolt vs huck bolt. so that you can have an in-depth understanding of them.

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What is a Lockbolt?

Lockbolt was invented to solve the following problems:

  1. loss of preload under use loads
  2. fixation and relaxation effects in threads
  3. self-relaxation effects under vibration loads
  4. Relative motion in the thread bearing region
Rivmate Lockbolt Rivet Fastener | Magna Grip Lockbolts

Lockbolt is a two-piece fastener consisting of a nail tip and a metal collar. This type of lockbolt provides extremely strong clamping force and can secure heavy equipment.

During installation, a special lockbolt tool is used to clamp the end of the lockbolt’s tip, and then the tool is activated so that the collar is pressed into the groove of the tip, and the installation is complete.

What is a Huck Bolt?

Actually, in the engineer’s opinion, lockbolt and huck bolt are the same type of fastener. This is because huck bolt refers to all bolt type fasteners produced by huck, while lockbolt refers to a special type of bolt produced by huck.

Over time, however, both names now refer to the lockbolt rivet.

Types of Lockbolt/Huckbolts

Lockbolt/Huckbolts is just an umbrella name for one type of fastener. there are still many types of lockbolt/huckbolt under Lockbolt/Huckbolt. Let’s take a brief look at them together.

Lockbolt with Breakpoints

Rivmate Lockbolt Rivet Fastener | Magna Grip Lockbolts

Lockbolt with breakpoints is the most commonly used hucklock. this type of lockbolt/huckbolt will disconnect from the breakpoints when the installation is complete.

Common types are Huck C6L Lockbolt, Magna-Grip, C50L Lockbolt.Lockbolt has many lengths to choose from.Lockbolt also has many types of head styles, such as round head, countersunk head.

Lockbolt without Breakpoints

Magna Grip Lockbolt
What is a lockbolt

The lockbolt without breakpoint is designed with a solid tip that will not leave any metal residue. This type of lockbolt/huckbolt will have less installer fatigue as there will be no shock from removing the pin end during installation. In addition, because lockbolt without breakpoints does not remove the pin end to expose the metal, future corrosion is avoided.

If you want to know a little bit more about the types of Lockbolts. You can read this article of ours which details the differences and application scenarios of the different types of lockbolts.

Advantages of Lockbolt/HuckBolts

Though in the field of fasteners, threaded fasteners are still very much in use. But it has a major problem, threaded fasteners such as nuts and bolts can loosen over time, especially in high stress applications or where constant vibration is an issue.Lockbolt/Huck Bolts were invented to solve this problem.Lockbolt/Huck Bolts offer benefits that traditional threaded fasteners do not.

  1. They are corrosion resistant and can be installed with light tools. And they are available in steel, stainless steel and aluminum.
  2. Designed for heavy-duty applications, they exceed ASTM A-325 standards for shear and tensile strength.
  3. Has a wide grip range that allows different connection lengths to be addressed at once.
  4. Some special lockbolt can be installed with constant pressure to handle softer materials without crushing them.

Why Use Lockbolt/Huckbolt Instead of Welding?

In the past, welding was the optimal solution for joining joints subject to high vibration. However, in most of today’s industrial applications, welding has been replaced by other joining methods. Welding is now considered impractical and unsafe. Below I have listed some of the main reasons for using lockbolt instead of welding.

1.Sufficient Security

What is Lockbolt Used for

The welding process generates a lot of sparks, which can easily cause a fire. Moreover, welding a joint may result in a large amount of spent welding rod, which may become a safety hazard in the production plant. The welding process will produce some harmful gases, which may cause the operator to suffer from lung cancer, asthma and other diseases. So, after the invention of lockbolt, welding was gradually replaced by Huckbolt which does not produce any of the above mentioned problems.

2.Fast Installation

Welding (especially complex welding) takes time, which can affect production time, and HuckBolts provides fast, reliable installation. With welding, your material must be spotless before joining, but with HuckBolts, this is not necessary. They are very easy to install.

3.They are not Affected By the Heat Affected Zone

Applications of Lockbolt

With Lockbolt, you don’t have to worry about the effects of high temperatures due to the Welding may damage the surface of the material being joined or even melt the surface material of the material. But Lockbolt does not generate any heat during installation and does not damage the material in any way. The structural integrity of the workpiece is guaranteed.

Frequently Asked Questions About Lockbolt vs Huckbolt

To save you time, we have listed some frequently asked questions about lockbolt/huckbolt for you.

1.Can Lockbolt/Huck Bolts Replace Nuts and Bolts?

The Lockbolt was designed to replace nuts and bolts when it was first engineered. To address their shortcomings, the Lockbolt/Huckbolt is ideally suited for joining applications that require high clamping forces and need to be vibration resistant. For example, railroad track connections, connections to critical parts of automobiles, and connections to components such as airplane wings.

2.Can Lockbolt's Vibration Resistance Avoid Vibration Altogether?

Sure. The original Lockbolt was designed to solve this problem. And it has resisted rail and train car insurance track vibration in practice. Conventional nut and bolt combinations need to be re-tightened periodically, a maintenance process that can be a major headache. It can even be dangerous.

Lockbolt/Huckbolt is designed so that it does not vibrate. There is no relative movement between its collar and the tipped pegs. And installation is very easy. It requires basically no human maintenance.

3.Are Lockbolt/Huckbolt Permanent?

Lockbolt is a permanent, high-strength connector compared to traditional nut-and-bolt fasteners. Once an engineer has completed the installation, it can be difficult to remove lockbolt. So in some applications where lockbolt rivet is installed, there is no need for human supervision. It will not be lost.

Buy Lockbolt or Huckbolt from China Manufacturer

Are you looking for reliable lockbolt supplier for your project?Rivmate is a good choice for you.Rivmate is the top pop rivet manfuacturer in China.We can provide you with various types of rivets and high strength lockbolt,bom rivet.

Whether you want to buy the appropriate lockbot accessories for your industrial equipment or a large number of lockbolts for your project, you can get higher quality lockbolts from Rivamte at a lower price.

Contact us now!

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Metal Rivets for Steel - How to Choose Rivets for Steel

Rivmate Fastener

Rivmate Fastener

Top Rivet and Rivet Nut Manufacturer in China

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How Do I Choose The Right Size Pop Rivet? - Select the Length of the Pop Rivets

How to choose metal rivets for steel project? Do you know what type of metal rivets are appropriate for different Steel materials? This article will tell you the answer.

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Why Do You Need Metal Rivets for Steel?

In practice, there are many ways to connect STEEL materials. So why do we use metal rivets?

There are many reasons, but the main reason is to ensure the strength, durability and reliability of the connection of STEEL materials. Here are a few of the main reasons for using metal rivets to join steel:

  1. Metal rivets can provide enough tensile and shear strength
  2. Good durability. Ability to maintain performance under harsh environmental conditions.
  3. Matching coefficient of thermal expansion. Can reduce the risk of stress concentration and deformation at the joint due to inconsistent thermal expansion.
  4. Metal rivets have sufficient toughness and impact resistance.
  5. It can provide high reliability and ensure the integrity and safety of the STEEL structure.
Tesla Rivets - Tesla Chassis Structural Connections

Metal rivets, especially steel rivets. When it is used for the connection of steel materials, it ensures the stability and reliability of steel structures in various application scenarios.

Types of Steel

Steel is an alloy material composed primarily of iron and carbon, with other elements often added to enhance its properties. There are very many types of steel, which can be categorized according to their composition, production process, heat treatment and applications. The following are the main classifications of steel:

Classification by Chemical Composition

Based on the chemical composition of STEEL, it can be categorized into the following three types:

  • Carbon Steel
  • Alloy Steel
  • Stainless Steel
Types of Steel

Based on the carbon content, Carbon Steel can be categorized into Low Carbon Steel (carbon content <0.25%), Medium Carbon Steel (0.25% < carbon content < 0.6%), and High Carbon Steel (carbon content > 0.6%). Carbon Steels with different contents are suitable for different applications and their strengths are listed in descending order: Low Carbon Steel, Medium Carbon Steel, High Carbon Steel. The higher the carbon content, the greater the strength and hardness.

The distinction between alloy steel and stainless steel is also a criterion. Alloy steel is differentiated according to the content of alloying elements: low alloy steel(Alloying element content <5%), medium alloy steel(5%<Alloying element content<10%), high alloy steel(Alloying element content>10%). Stainless steel can be divided into 304, 316, 430, 410, 420, 2205 stainless steel.

Classification by Production Process

Rolled Steel

  1. Hot Rolled Steel: Produced by rolling at high temperatures, e.g. hot rolled plates and sections. Good workability and weldability.
  2. Cold Rolled Steel: Produced by rolling at room temperature, such as cold rolled sheet and cold rolled strip. High surface quality and precision.

Forged Steel

  1. Free Forged Steel: Produced by the free forging process and used to manufacture large and complex shaped parts.
  2. Die forging steel: produced through the die forging process, used to manufacture parts for mass production.

Cast Steel

Produced by the casting process for the manufacture of complex shaped parts.

How to Choose Metal Rivets for Steel

Classification by Application

According to the different scenarios and uses of steel, it can be divided into the following categories:

  • Structural Steel
  • Tool Steel
  • Spring Steel
  • Bearing Steel
  • Alloy Structural Steel
  • Heat-Resistant Steel

Classification By Special Properties

  • Corrosion-Resistant Steel
  • Wear-Resistant Steel
  • Low-Temperature Resistant Steel
  • Electrical Steel

What is The Best Rivet for Thin Metal?

Which type of rivet is best for joining thin sheets of metal? I think you are interested in this question.

Rivets are designed to join thin sheet metal. So there are many types of rivets that can join thin sheet metal.For exampleFor example, open endFor example, open end rivetsOpen end rivets, for example.For example, open end rivets, peel For example, open end rivets, peel rivets, closed end rivets, and blind rivets.

So how do I choose a rivet? It’s simple, you just need to think about it from two aspects. They are 1. material match 2. rivet size

You need to select a rivet material that is compatible with the metal material being joined. For example, for aluminum plates, to prevent galvanic corrosion, you need to use aluminum or coated steel rivets. Apart from this, you need to make sure that the size and clamping range of the rivet can fit your thin sheet material.

How to Install Metal Rivets?

How to Install Pop Rivets? - Pull the Mandrel Until it Breaks

Why Use Rivets Instead of Welding?

Why do engineers use rivets instead of welding? Because rivets have many unique advantages that welding does not.

1.Material and Thickness Adaptability

  • Joining dissimilar materials: rivets can join different types of materials, such as metals to plastics, composites, etc., whereas welding is usually limited to joining similar metals.
  • Thin Plate Materials: Rivets are particularly suitable for joining thin plate materials, as welding thin plates tends to cause deformation, burn-through or structural weakness, whereas rivets do not create these problems.

2.Resistance to Vibration and Dynamic Loads

  • Resistance to vibration and shock: Rivets perform well in high vibration and dynamic load environments and are less prone to loosening or failure, whereas welded joints may suffer fatigue cracking under these conditions.
  • Long-term stability: riveted joints provide excellent fatigue resistance, especially for applications that require long-term exposure to vibration and shock.

3.Ease of Installation and Operating Conditions

  • One-sided operation: Some rivets (e.g., blind rivets) can be operated from one side, which is useful when space is limited or when it is not possible to operate from both sides.
  • Simplicity and safety: Riveting does not require high temperatures, which makes it easier and safer than welding, especially in field installations and repairs.

4.Construction and Connection Quality

  • Uniform Quality: Riveted joints provide consistent quality that is not greatly affected by the skill level of the operator, whereas weld quality is highly dependent on the skill level of the welder and the control of the welding process.
  • Thermal deformation control: The riveting process does not generate excessive heat, avoiding thermal deformation of the material and structural stress concentrations, which is particularly important in precision manufacturing and thin material connections.

5. Repair and Maintenance

  • Easy to remove and replace: rivets can be removed by drilling out or cutting, making them easy to repair and replace, whereas welding usually requires cutting and re-welding, a complex and time-consuming process.
  • On-site repair: Riveting is suitable for on-site repair and is especially convenient when quick replacement or repair is required.

6.Environment and Safety

  • No fumes or harmful gases: riveting does not involve high temperature operation, no fumes or harmful gases are generated, reducing the impact on the environment and operator health.
  • Safe operation: The riveting process does not involve electric arcs or flames, making it safer to operate, especially in explosion-proof areas or environments with flammable substances.

Frequently Asked Questions About Metal Rivets for Steel

As we all know, time is of the essence. I have listed a few frequently asked questions to save you time.

Can I Use Aluminum Rivets on Steel?

It is possible to use aluminum rivets on steel materials. But it needs to be well guarded. This is because there are several potential problems and hazards associated with using aluminum rivets on steel materials:

  1. Galvanic Corrosion: Galvanic corrosion can occur between steel and aluminum, which can weaken the strength of the rivet and the reliability of the connection, ultimately leading to connection failure.
  2. Strength Differences: Aluminum rivets are typically lower in strength and hardness than steel materials. The connection may not be able to withstand the design loads, resulting in deformation of the rivet, breakage or loosening of the connection.
  3. Different coefficients of thermal expansion: Steel and aluminum have different coefficients of thermal expansion. In temperature changing environments, the two materials expand and contract at different rates. Concentrations of stress in the joint may result in loosening of the rivet or fatigue damage to the steel material.
  4. Durability and longevity: Aluminum rivets typically have lower durability and longevity than steel rivets, increasing the frequency and cost of maintenance and replacement.
What Are Pop Rivets Used For? - Pop Rivets for Electronic Devices

Of course, you can solve these problems by using insulating shims or coatings between the rivet and the steel to prevent direct contact.

Can You Use Copper Rivets on Steel?

Using copper rivets on STEEL has similar problems as aluminum rivets. There is a risk of galvanic corrosion between copper and steel. And there is a difference in their strength and hardness, with copper being much less hard. So there is no way for copper to provide the strength that steel needs.

Copper rivets are generally used for conductive applications or for decorative purposes. So it is not suitable to use copper rivets to provide the high strength connection that steel needs.

Why Buy Metal Rivets from China Manufacturer?

When a company owner opens a new project that requires materials, they are often the first to consider importing from China. This is because importing metal rivets from China can be very helpful for your business.

Save Your Money

labor and manufacturing costs are lower in China, so you can get the metal rivets you need at a lower price.

Complete Industry Chain

China has a complete industry chain, you can solve all your sourcing problems at once.

Strong Production Capacity

Whether for large or small orders, Chinese manufacturers can flexibly cope with them.

Order Metal Rivet. Rivmate Can HelP You Project

Rivmate is a leader and innovator in metal riveting. Our decades of experience and dedication have allowed us to develop durable, efficient and extremely reliable blind rivet and metal rivets.

If your project requires the use of high quality metal rivets, then your business should consider our value-added services such as PPAP documentation and customized rivet solutions.

Work with Rivmate to get an edge on the competition. Contact us today!

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What is Riveting?The Comprehensive Guide to Riveting

Rivmate Fastener

Rivmate Fastener

Top Rivet and Rivet Nut Manufacturer in China

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What is RivetingThe Comprehensive Guide to Riveting

What is Riveting? Do you know how riveting works? What is the difference between riveting and welding in practice? This article will explain what is riveting from the definition of riveting, application, purpose, operation method, and the comparison of welding to you in detail.

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What is Riveting?

Riveting is a commonly used metal joining process, and this thin sheet joining method is very efficient and reliable. Riveting is the permanent joining of two or more pieces of material together through the use of rivets. Its high strength, durability, and ease of operation make it widely used in construction, aerospace, automotive manufacturing, shipbuilding, and other areas where strong connections are required.

How to Install Pop Rivets ? - The Most Complete Guide

Welding and riveting are two commonly used metal joining processes. However, in contrast to welding, where two or more materials are fused together, riveting simply creates a hole in the joint.

What is the Riveting Process?

A riveted joint is formed by impacting or squeezing the end to create a deformation that expands the rivet body to form a stable connection. Below is the full process of riveting.

How to Install Pop Rivets? - Pull the Mandrel Until it Breaks
  1. Inspection Before Riveting: Prior to riveting, the joining section needs to be carefully designed and the surfaces of the parts must be clean to ensure a good connection. Then mark the locations to be riveted and make sure the parts are properly aligned.
  2. Drilling and Installing the Rivet: Drill holes in the marked locations. The diameter of the hole should be appropriate for the size of the rivet selected. Ensure that the location and depth of the holes are accurate. Insert the rivets into the pre-drilled holes to ensure they form a connection between the parts.
  3. Riveting Tivets with Tools: Use a rivet gun or other special tool to complete the rivet installation process. Place the nail part of the rivet onto the nozzle of the tool and start the riveting tool.
  4. Inspection and Testing: After the riveting is complete, inspections are made to ensure that the connection is secure. This includes checking the shape of the rivet head to make sure there is no misalignment or damage.

What is The Purpose of Riveting?

Engineers use riveting for three purposes really:

1. Cost-effective

2. Save installation time

3. Stability and vibration resistance

Speed Rivets for Lightweight Construction

As we all know, the best feature of riveting is that it is very quick to install. This is especially important during mass production in factories, which can save a lot of labor costs. You will earn more!

Next to the automotive, rail and aerospace industries, where riveting is particularly used, Rivet provides excellent vibration resistance and stability to every part of the system.

In actual field use, rivetting is cheaper than other joining methods of the same quality!

The Examples of Riveting

There are many examples of riveting in actual production processes. Basically every industrial product has rivetting on it. This includes automobile manufacturing, aircraft manufacturing, joining of building structures, ship building, joining of components for electronic devices and household appliances.

Blind Rivet vs Solid Rivet - Solid Rivets in Aircraft Applications
Applications of Lockbolt
  • Aircraft fuselage and wing attachment
  • Body panel connections
  • Bridge construction steel connections
  • Ship hull and deck connections
  • Connection of components and housings inside electronic equipment
  • Connections of panels and frames of household appliances such as washing machines, refrigerators and ovens
  • Connections of train bodies and chassis for rail transportation
Self Piercing Rivets for Car Roof and Body Cap Connection
applications of self clinching fastener

What are The Disadvantages of Riveting?

Although Riveting has significant advantages in many applications, it is not perfect and still has some drawbacks and limitations. Here are some of the major advantages of Riveting:

  1. Permanent connection, difficult to disassemble and unfavorable for maintenance.
  2. Material limitations, too thin or too thick may not be suitable for riveting.
  3. Deformed heads or tails may affect the flatness of the joined surfaces.
  4. Inadequate sealing of rivets other than specially designed rivets may result in gas or liquid leakage.

Is Riveting as Strong as Welding?

Riveting and Welding are two different joining techniques, each with unique benefits and application scenarios.

Riveting is superior to welding in terms of strength to shear, dynamic loads and vibration. However, in terms of tensile strength, under extreme high load conditions, welding is stronger.

So in conditions where high vibration and dynamic load resistance is required, riveting may be more suitable, while in static load conditions where high tensile and shear strength is required, welding usually performs better.

Why are Aircraft Riveted and not Welded? Riveting vs Welding
Comparison ItemRivetingWelding
Connection TypeMechanical connection using rivetsFusion connection by heating and melting materials
Connection StrengthHigh strength, suitable for high tensile and shear strength applicationsVery high strength, often matching or exceeding base material strength
Vibration and Impact ResistanceExcellent, especially suitable for high vibration and impact conditionsGood, but may develop fatigue cracks under long-term vibration
RemovabilityRemovable, but requires destroying the rivetGenerally not removable unless cutting the welded part
Ease of OperationRelatively simple, especially for single-sided operationsRequires high skill and precise control
Applicable MaterialsVarious materials including metals and non-metalsMainly used for metal materials
Corrosion ResistanceDepends on rivet material and surface treatmentCan achieve excellent corrosion resistance with proper welding techniques and post-treatment
Suitable EnvironmentsSuitable for various environments, including high vibration and impactSuitable for structures needing high strength and continuity
Equipment and ToolsManual, pneumatic, or electric riveting toolsWelding machines (including arc welding, gas welding, laser welding, etc.)
Installation SpeedQuick installation, ideal for mass production and assembly tasksRelatively slow, especially for complex or large-scale welding
Connection ContinuityGaps between rivetsForms a continuous joint with good sealing properties
Application AreasAerospace, automotive, construction and bridges, shipbuilding, electronics, etc.Aerospace, automotive, construction and bridges, pipelines and pressure vessels, shipbuilding, etc.
Cost EfficiencyLower initial cost, but requires periodic inspection and maintenanceHigher initial cost, but may have lower maintenance costs in the long run
DurabilityLong-term stability, especially in dynamic load and vibration conditionsLong-term durability, but requires special design and control in high vibration conditions

Frequently Asked Questions About Riveting

To save you time, we’ve listed a few frequently asked questions about riveting.

Is Riveting Durable?

Durability is one of the characteristics of rivets. As mechanical connectors, rivets are widely used in various industrial and engineering applications due to their high strength and durability.

The materials used to make rivets are usually high-strength materials such as steel, aluminum and stainless steel. Rivets are also available in a variety of finishes such as galvanized, nickel plated and anodized.

In addition, rivets are mechanically locked to hold materials together. Its unique locking method provides a stable connection over time.

Applications of Bom Rivet

Is Riveting Permanent Or Semi Permanent?

Permanent connections generally have the following two characteristics:

  1. Firm fixing
  2. Not easy to dismantle

Obviously, Riveting is normally regarded as a permanent connection.Rivets provide high strength and durability, ensuring the long-term stability of the connection. However, riveted connections can also be removed under special circumstances. However, this can damage the rivet fixing structure, making it impossible to continue using it.


Regardless of the connection method, the choice is based on the actual application.Riveting can be used for the vast majority of connection applications. Riveting can be used for a wide range of applications, from non-strength connections such as furniture to strength-demanding connections such as automotive bridges.

Of course, this may reduce your business costs, or it may increase your business costs. The difference in price between different types of rivets is significant. If you want to know whether riveting is suitable for your project, you can contact our engineers. Rivmate not only provide rivets, but also rivets.

Custom Riveting Solution. Rivmate can Help You!

Rivmate is one of the top rivet manufacturers and suppliers in China, and has provided rivets and rivet solutions to more than three hundred companies around the world. We have a professional team of engineers and rich types of rivets. You can solve all riveting problems at once.

Whether your project is a regular project or a demanding project such as automobile, we can meet your needs. Contact us for professional riveting solutions today!

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What is a Bom Rivet?

Rivmate Fastener

Rivmate Fastener

Top Rivet and Rivet Nut Manufacturer in China

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What is a Bom Rivet? Do you know what are the application scenarios of Bom rivets and whether Bom rivet is applicable to your business or not, I think you are with doubts. Next we will take a closer look at what is a bom rivet.

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What is a Bom Rivet?

BOM Rivet is specifically designed for connections in applications requiring extreme strength and durability. It can be used to repair damaged rivet holes or in situations where higher strength and greater clamping force is required. These are the hallmarks of the Bom rivet. To be clear, bom rivets are a type of high strength structural rivet.

RIVMATE Bom Rivets - Custom Blind Rivet Manufacturer in China

BOM Rivet is a type of high strength structural rivet with a large clamping range and repair capabilities. Capable of providing reliable fixing under high load and vibration conditions. Its strength is far beyond that of traditional blind rivets and ordinary structural rivets.

Bom rivets are widely used in the automotive industry, aerospace, construction and heavy equipment, rail transportation and other fields.

Applications of Bom Rivets

Bom rivets have a lot of features that other blind rivets don’t have. These excellent characteristics make them popular in the heavy equipment or industrial industries.

Repair Damaged Holes

With traditional rivet usage, rivet holes may wear out or enlarge due to repeated use or stress.Bom rivets can copper over fill damaged holes, extending the life of the component and reducing the cost of replacement or repair.

What is a Bom Rivet

Automobile Industry

In the automotive industry, high-strength and durable connections are often required, especially in critical areas of the body and chassis.Bom rivet is particularly suitable for use in dynamically loaded areas of the vehicle due to its vibration and shock resistance.Bom rivet is often used for fixing automotive bodywork, chassis, suspension systems and other components.

Aerospace Industry

Bom Rivets Application

Like the automotive industry, aerospace has high vibration resistance requirements for fasteners.

Bom rivets maintain consistent and reliable performance in extreme environments. That’s why it’s widely used for connecting fuselages, wings and other critical structures of airplanes.

Heavy Machinery and Equipment

Applications of Bom Rivet

Excavators, cranes and other heavy machinery have key components that require reliable rivets to connect them. Heavy machinery and equipment are subjected to tremendous stress and vibration during operation, and the high strength and impact resistance of Bom rivets ensures the performance of such equipment.

Rapid Transit

Bom rivets can be attached to train bodies, rail infrastructure, etc. The superior vibration resistance of Bom rivets makes them ideal for rail transportation applications.

Bridges and Building Structures

Bom rivets are suitable for structural applications in outdoor and harsh environments due to their high strength and corrosion resistance. It can be used to connect critical components such as steel beams, columns and brackets.

How Does Bom Rivet Work?

Although Bom rivets are one of the commonly used riveted fasteners in industry. But many engineers may be curious about how it forms a stable connection. Here is a brief description of how the bom rivet connection works. For ease of understanding, we have divided the installation process into three steps.

How Does Bom Rivet Work?

Insert Bom Rivet and Start the Tool

The BOM rivet is inserted into the pre-drilled hole so that the head of the rivet is pressed against the surface of the material. At this point, the rivet body penetrates the material being joined.

A specialized riveting tool is then used to apply a tensile force to pull on the mandrel inside the rivet. This tool is usually manual, pneumatic, or electric and can provide enough force to pull the mandrel.

Deformation Fixation

After starting the rivet pulling tool, the nozzle pulls on the mandrel so that the mandrel begins to move outward.

Immediately thereafter the end of the rivet body begins to deform on the backside of the material. This deformation usually extends outward, creating a mechanically locked structure.

The deformation of the tail allows the rivet to form a stable attachment surface on the backside of the material, thereby securely locking the material. This mechanically locked structure provides extremely high tensile and shear strength.

Mandrel Breaks and Completes Fixation

When the applied tension reaches a certain level, the mandrel breaks at a predetermined position. A portion of the mandrel remains within the rivet body, ensuring the integrity of the joint.

Ultimately, the head and deformed tail of the rivet securely clamp the material being joined, creating a strong, durable mechanical joint.

2 Common Types of Bom Rivets

There are many suppliers of Bom rivets, but overall there are just two types: 1. Avdel Avbolt 2. Huck Bom. Rivmate can provide you with all types of Bom rivets, solving all your purchasing needs at once.

Avdel Avbolt

Rivmate Bom Rivet

The Avdel Avbolt is designed for heavy duty fastening applications. Applications such as construction, train cars, containers, mining equipment and bridges can all be connected using Avdel Avbolt.

In addition to extremely high tensile and shear strengths, the Avbolt offers the benefits of blind fitting, including in restricted access areas. Like all blind bolts, Avbolt is easy to install and requires minimal operator training.

Avbolt is also available in a variety of sizes from 3/16 inch to 5/8 inch (4.8 mm to 16 mm). Rods are made of alloy steel and black oxide, while sleeves and collars are made of carbon steel, zinc plated and have a clear passivated coating. Flange rings are also available with three-piece bolts in 3/8-inch, 1/2-inch, and 5/8-inch diameters.

Huck Bom

RIVMATE Bom Rivets - Custom Blind Rivet Manufacturer in China

Huck BOM rivets are commonly used in military equipment, automotive suspensions, amusement park rides, and other applications where a strong, lasting connection is required. These blind rivets are ideal for high-strength applications and can be easily installed using any standard riveting tool.

BOM fasteners are available in sizes ranging from 3/16-inch to 3/4-inch and are constructed of mild steel sleeves, medium carbon steel pins, and a zinc-plated clear chromate coating.

Huck BOM fasteners also feature a mechanical lock that creates a vibration-resistant connection and eliminates rod loosening. When properly installed, the pin will separate flush from the sleeve, so no additional grinding is required.

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The Main Advantages of Using Bom Rivets

Bom rivets are the premier choice for ultra-high strength blind hole fasteners. Below are the main advantages of bom rivets over traditional blind rivets.

High Strength Connections

BOM rivets are made from high-strength materials (such as high-strength steel or aluminum alloys) that provide excellent tensile and shear strength for high load and stress applications.

Conventional blind rivets, on the other hand, are typically suitable for medium strength applications, and while they can also provide a reliable connection, they may not be as good as BOM rivets under very high loads and stresses.

Repair Damaged Holes

BOM rivets are designed with a larger diameter to repair rivet holes that have become larger due to wear or damage, restoring structural strength and extending the life of the component.

Conventional blind rivets require replacement with larger rivets or other repair treatments when the hole diameter becomes too large.

Mechanical Lock

Compared to traditional blind rivets, BOM rivets provide extremely high tensile and shear strength through a mechanical locking structure where the rivet forms a solid lock on the backside of the material. Traditional blind rivets may not provide as much strength as BOM rivets.

Bom Rivet vs Blind Rivet

FeatureBOM RivetTraditional Blind Rivet
High-Strength ConnectionProvides exceptional tensile and shear strength, suitable for high-load and high-stress applicationsProvides moderate strength connection, suitable for medium-strength applications
Repair Damaged HolesCan repair worn or damaged rivet holes, restoring structural strengthDoes not have repair capability, requires replacement or other repair methods
Vibration and Impact ResistanceMaintains stability and firmness under high vibration and impact conditionsCan withstand some vibration and impact, but less stable under high-strength conditions
Mechanical LockingProvides high connection strength through mechanical lockingRelies mainly on rivet body deformation, less effective than mechanical locking
Corrosion ResistanceTreated for corrosion resistance, suitable for harsh environmentsCan also be treated for corrosion resistance, but its importance might be lower
Wide Grip RangeAdapts to different material thicknesses, reducing inventory varietyFixed grip range, requires selection based on material thickness
Ease of InstallationQuick installation, suitable for mass production and single-sided operation, ideal for confined spacesEasy to install, but slightly longer installation time compared to BOM Rivets
Wide ApplicationUsed in high-load, high-stress industries and applicationsMainly used in medium-strength industrial manufacturing and general applications
Cost EfficiencyHigher initial cost but lower maintenance and replacement costs, suitable for long-term and high-strength applicationsLower initial cost but may require frequent replacement in high-strength applications, increasing maintenance costs

Frequently Asked Questions

1.How do Bom rivets compare to other thinset connections?

Compared to other thin sheet joining methods such as traditional blind rivets, rivet nuts, screws and welds, Bom rivets offer features not found in other joining methods.Bom rivets offer the following advantages:

  • High strength and durability for high load and high stress applications.
  • Stability and robustness of the connection under strong vibration and shock conditions, more reliable than screws and traditional blind rivets.
  • The ability to repair damaged rivet holes restores structural strength.
  • Initial costs are high, but the low maintenance and replacement costs of BOM rivets make them more cost-effective over the long term for long duration and high strength applications.

2.What is the use of Bom rivets in automotive manufacturing?

BOM rivets are used in a wide range of automotive applications, including body and chassis connections, suspension systems, door and door hinges, seating and interior components, engine compartments and powertrains, exhaust systems, electronics and electrical systems, roofs and sunroofs, and safety equipment, among other critical areas. Their high strength, durability, and resistance to vibration and shock enable them to meet the stringent quality and performance requirements of automotive manufacturing, ensuring the stability and safety of vehicles under a variety of usage conditions. Through the use of BOM rivets, automakers are able to increase productivity, ensure product quality, and improve overall vehicle performance and reliability.


Bom rivets have been the ideal solution for heavy equipment since they were invented. Currently bom rivets are gradually replacing traditional bolts. Our guide is a stepping stone before you buy bom rivets, outlining their definition and showing you the benefits and applications of bom rivets.

Realize the Success of Your Business at Rivmate

If you are looking for bom rivets that are trusted by customers across the globe, then you have come to the right place.Rivmate has been providing quality bom rivets to customers across the globe for a moderate number of years. Our state-of-the-art rivet manufacturing facility produces the world’s best bom rivets, blind rivet and rivet nut.

We customize bom rivets according to your project requirements and offer competitive after sales service. Still hesitate? Why not experience our free sample evaluation? Request a quote now!

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