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Everything You Need to Know About Blind Rivet Sizes

Rivmate Fastener

Rivmate Fastener

Top Rivet and Rivet Nut Manufacturer in China

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How Do I Choose The Right Size Pop Rivet? - Select the Length of the Pop Rivets

Blind Rivet Sizes are something that must be considered before purchasing a Blind Rivet. So what are the parts of blind rivet sizes? How do I confirm the size of these parts? And how to measure blind rivets? Through this article, you will understand all of this!

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Why is Blind Rivet Sizes Important?

You need to have a deep understanding of the dimensions of the blind rivets before proceeding with a project. So why is it so important to have a deep understanding of the blind rivet sizes? To put in the first step of starting a project. There are several main reasons:

  1. Correctly sized rivets provide enough tightening force to ensure that the connected parts are held together securely. Under-sizing may result in insufficient tightening force and a loose connection; over-sizing may result in difficult installation or material damage.
  2. The right rivet size and hole match can simplify the installation process, reduce installation time and increase productivity.
  3. Correctly sized rivets are more reliable after installation, reducing the need for rework and maintenance due to connection failure.
  4. In critical structural components, selecting the correct size rivets prevents structural failure and ensures overall structural safety, especially in applications subjected to high loads or critical locations.
  5. matching the rivet diameter to the hole diameter ensures that the rivet expands and deforms correctly in the hole, providing a strong mechanical fixing. If the hole diameter does not match the rivet diameter, the reliability and strength of the connection will be compromised.

Diameter of Blind Rivets

Types of Heads

The diameter of a blind rivet is the outside diameter of the rivet stem, which is an important dimension in determining the size of the hole between the rivet and the material being joined. Selecting the proper rivet diameter is critical to ensuring the strength and stability of the connection.

The diagram above illustrates the structure of a blind rivet. The letter “d” represents the diameter of the rivet.

The diameter of a blind rivet is usually expressed in metric (millimeters, mm) or imperial (inches, inch). The following are common specifications:

 Rievt Diameter

Selecting the proper Blind Rivet diameter is an important step in ensuring a strong and secure connection. Considering factors such as material thickness, hole size, load requirements and material properties can help you determine the most appropriate rivet diameter specification. In practice, following these principles will not only help to achieve a reliable connection, but also avoid installation and use problems associated with poor selection.

How to Choose The Right Rivet Diameter?

When you have this problem, the first thing you need to consider is the load requirements that the connection needs to withstand. Larger diameters provide higher pullout and shear forces.

Of course, if you have holes already drilled in the top of your product, you’ll want to choose a rivet diameter that matches the hole diameter. This will allow the rivet to be inserted and deformed smoothly.

Hole Diameter of Blind Rivets

The hole diameter of a blind rivet is the diameter of the hole that needs to be drilled in the material being joined when the rivet is installed. This hole diameter must be slightly larger than the diameter of the rivet itself in order for the rivet to be inserted smoothly and secured properly. Below are some common blind rivet sizes and their corresponding recommended hole diameters:

Rivet Diameter(mm/inchHole Diameter(mm/inch
2.4 mm2.5 – 2.7 mm
3.2 mm3.3 – 3.5 mm
4.0 mm4.1 – 4.3 mm
4.8 mm4.9 – 5.1 mm
5.0 mm5.1 – 5.3 mm
6.0 m6.1 – 6.4 mm
6.4 mm6.5 – 6.8 mm
3/32″ (0.0938 inch)0.098 – 0.102 inch
1/8″ (0.1250 inch)0.129 – 0.133 inch
5/32″ (0.1563 inch)0.161 – 0.165 inch
3/16″ (0.1875 inch)0.192 – 0.196 inch
1/4″ (0.2500 inch)0.255 – 0.261 inch


Why is it Important to Match the Rivet Diameter to the Hole Diameter?

Matching rivet diameter to hole diameter is critical to the quality of the riveted joint, affecting the stability, strength and durability of the connection. Both too large and too small hole diameters can have an impact.

Hole Diameter > Rivet Diameter

  1. Rivets do not properly deform and expand to fill the entire hole
  2. The force area of the rivet is reduced and the shear strength decreases
  3. Loose connections may allow moisture and gas to enter the gap between the rivet and the hole wall, resulting in seal failure.
  4. Because the hole is too large, the rivet moves through the hole and can generate unwanted noise, especially in noise-sensitive applications such as mechanical equipment or automotive interiors.

Hole Diameter < Rivet Diameter

  1. Difficult to insert rivets
  2. If the rivet is difficult to insert fully into the hole, the expanding portion of the rivet may not be able to expand and deform sufficiently in the hole, resulting in a failure to form a strong fixing.
  3. When working with brittle materials (e.g., certain plastics, fiberglass), forcing a rivet into a hole that is too small may cause the material to break or crack.

Drill of Blind Rivets

Drilling holes with a drill is the first step in the procedure for installing blind rivets. The size of the drill bit is usually the same as the diameter of the hole. So the degree of match between the drill bit and the rivet diameter can be referred to the degree of match between the rivet diameter and the hole diameter.

Body Length

The Body Length of a Blind Rivet, also known as the Body Length of the rivet, is the total length of the rivet before installation, excluding the head and core section. This length is an important parameter in selecting the right rivet, as it must be long enough to pass through all the layers of material to be joined, while still forming a reliable fixing on the backside of the material.

The body length of the rivet must be long enough to ensure that it will pass through the material to be joined and leave enough to deform and fix. A short body length may result in the rivet not being able to fully penetrate the material to form a reliable connection. The body length of the rivet shall be at least equal to or slightly greater than the cumulative thickness of all layers to be joined.

Assuming that the total thickness of the material to be joined is 5 mm, the body length of the rivet selected should be at least 5 mm to ensure that the rivet can fully penetrate the material and create sufficient holding force on the backside. Typically, a suitable rivet body length may be slightly longer than the total thickness to ensure that there is sufficient room for deformation.

Grip Range

the grip range of blind rivet

The riveting range of a blind rivet, often referred to as the Grip Range, is the range of thicknesses over which the rivet can effectively grip and hold material. This parameter determines the thickness of the material that the rivet can securely hold during installation and is a key indicator of the type of rivet that is appropriate for the application.

Riveting range refers to the total material thickness that can be reliably clamped by a blind rivet, including the cumulative thickness of all materials clamped. It is usually expressed as a range, e.g. 1.6 – 3.2 mm, indicating that the rivet is suitable for material combinations with thicknesses between 1.6 mm and 3.2 mm.

Do Pop Rivets Leak? - The Comprehensive Guide-Rivmate Aluminum Closed Blind Pop Rivet

Correct selection of the riveting range is important.

  • Ensuring Reliable Connections: Selecting the correct rivet range ensures that the rivet creates the proper deformation zone on the backside of the material, providing a reliable mechanical fixing. A rivet with too little or too much reach may result in an unstable connection or failure to install correctly.
  • Accommodate varying material thicknesses: In practical applications, material thicknesses may vary due to manufacturing tolerances, coatings or other factors. Choosing the right rivet range can effectively address these variations and ensure a strong and stable connection.

Examples of common riveting ranges:

  • 1.6 – 3.2 mm: For materials with a total thickness between 1.6 mm and 3.2 mm.
  • 3.2 – 4.8 mm: for materials with a total thickness between 3.2 mm and 4.8 mm.
  • 4.8 – 6.4 mm: for materials with a total thickness between 4.8 mm and 6.4 mm.

Head Diameter and Width

Types of Rivet Heads

Before we go into detail about the diameter and thickness of rivet head types, we need to know that there are several head types of rivets. The main head types of rivets are categorized as follows:

  1. Dome Head
  2. Large Flange Head
  3. Countersunk Head
How Do I Choose The Right Size Pop Rivet? - Dome Head Pop Rivets

The “dk” and “k” in the chart above represent the head diameter and head thickness of the blind rivet, respectively.

dk – head diameter

k – head thickness

Dome Head

The Dome Head Blind Rivet is one of the most common head types with a semi-circular head. This design provides good tensile and shear strength.

Head Diameter: typically 1.5 to 2 times the rivet diameter. For example, a 3.2 mm diameter rivet will typically have a head diameter between 6 mm and 6.4 mm.

Head Height: The height of a round head is generally relatively small, providing a moderate level of head projection.

Large Flange Head

Large Flange Head Blind Rivets have a larger head diameter than standard round heads and are often used to increase the contact area and thus spread the pressure. This design is particularly suited to softer materials such as plastics or thin sheet metal.

Head Diameter: Typically 2 to 3 times the diameter of the rivet. For example, a 3.2 mm diameter rivet may have a head diameter between 8 mm and 9.6 mm.

Head Height: The height of a large flange head is generally similar to that of a round head, but its larger head diameter provides a larger support surface.

Countersunk Head

Countersunk head blind rivets have a head designed to be fully embedded in the joining material, with the head being flush with the surface of the material. This design is used where a smooth appearance is desired or to avoid interference from a protruding head.

Head Diameter: Countersunk heads are typically slightly larger than the rivet diameter, depending on the rivet standard. For example, a 3.2 mm diameter rivet will typically have a head diameter between 6.5 mm and 7 mm.

Head Width: The angle of the countersunk head is typically 90 or 120 degrees, depending on the design requirements. The embedment depth and width of the head needs to take into account the thickness of the material being joined.

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By reading the above information, I’m sure you’ve gained a deep understanding of Blind Rivet Sizes. The dimensions of Blind Rivet include rivet diameter, rivet length, riveting range, hole diameter, rivet head type diameter and thickness.

With the above dimensional information, you will have a figurative impression of the Blind Rivet. We believe that this information can be a great help before you formally place an order.

Order Blind Rivets from Rivmate

Rivmate is a top manufacturer of Blind Rivets in China. We can offer you full size blind rivets, including 2.4mm(3/32″),3.2mm(1/8″),4.0mm(5/32″),4.8mm(3/16″),5.0mm(6/31″),6.0mm(15/64″),6.4mm(1/4″).

Of course, if your project has special requirements for the  Blind Rivet Sizes. We also provide customized service, please understand to contact our engineers.

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Can You Use Grooved Blind Rivets for Plastic?

Rivmate Fastener

Rivmate Fastener

Top Rivet and Rivet Nut Manufacturer in China

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grooved rivet

As plastics become more and more popular, rivets are increasingly used in plastics. The use of pop rivets on plastic requires special consideration for optimum performance. You must choose the right type of rivet and material to achieve a long-lasting connection.

Plastic can be softer or more brittle than other materials. Therefore, it is important to choose a blind rivet that will provide a strong connection without damaging the plastic material. To solve this problem, grooved blind rivets are an excellent choice.

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What is a Grooved Blind Rivets?

Grooved pop rivets are a type of blind rivet. Its basic design and working principle is the same as other types of pop rivets.The difference between Grooved pop rivets is that the joints are fixed in a different way.

grooved rivets

Although the installation is the same, grooved blind rivets come with grooves in the rivet body. This groove can be embedded in the connecting plastic during installation to provide additional mechanical grip and retention.

The unique grooved rivet design makes it an excellent choice for joining plastic materials. As long as the size of the rivet you use matches the diameter of the hole, it will create a strong fastening in the plastic.

Strength of Plastics

Strength of Plastic

Plastic, one of the most commonly used materials, is very hard. It is nowhere near as hard as other commonly used materials. The image above demonstrates the strength index of plastic.

Since the strength of plastic is so low and it is used so often, it becomes a problem to connect the plastic components.Grooved pop rivets were created to solve this problem.

Why Use Grooved Blind Rivets to Join Plastics?

The low strength of plastic makes joining it a problem, and Grooved pop rivets offer an excellent solution.Grooved pop rivets offer a number of advantages not found in other blind rivets, making them ideal for joining plastic products. Here are some of the main reasons why grooved pop rivets are great for joining plastic products:

1. Enhanced Grip

Grip of Grooved Pop Rivets

The unique design of the Grooved Blind Rivet features a series of grooves on the surface of the rivet body. These grooves are able to embed themselves in the plastic material during installation, increasing friction and therefore grip. This feature is especially important in softer or more brittle plastics as it prevents the rivet from slipping or loosening under stress.

2. Even Stress Distribution

The groove design helps to spread the stress over a larger area, thus reducing the stress concentration and lowering the risk of material rupture. Plastic materials are relatively fragile and susceptible to damage due to stress concentrations, so grooved blind rivets can better protect the material.

3. Aesthetic Effects

Not only do grooved blind rivets provide a strong mechanical connection, they can also be used to achieve a good integration with the product design by choosing different head styles and colors. Special designs such as large flange heads can provide better decorative effects while increasing the contact area to further enhance the stability of the connection.

4. Efficient Cost Control

Due to the low material cost of grooved blind rivets, simple manufacturing process, and fast installation, the use of them can effectively control production costs, especially in high-volume production. Compared with other fastening methods, the economy and efficiency of grooved blind rivets is more prominent.

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How to Choose the Right Grooved Blind Rivets for Plastic?

When choosing the right rivet for riveting plastic materials, you need to find a blind rivet that improves the tight connection without damaging the material.

Here are some things to consider when choosing the right grooved blind rivets for plastic or any soft material:

Geooved Rivets Diameter

When you use grooved pop rivets to join plastic items, the first step should be to determine the diameter of the rivets.

So how do you confirm the diameter of grooved pop rivets? You need to determine the total thickness of the plastic material being joined and the length of the rivets should accommodate the total thickness of the material. The diameter of the rivet needs to match the diameter of the hole. You need to make sure that the connection is stable and that the plastic does not break back.

Grooved Rivets Material

Once the rivet diameter has been determined, you need to consider which material to use for the rivets. The minimum requirement is that the rivet be made of a material that is harder than plastic. Most grooved pop rivets have a body made of aluminum or steel that is a lot harder than plastic. In addition, you need to consider the environment in which it will be used. For example, if you are using it in a marine application, do you need to choose a material that is resistant to corrosion.

Grip Range of Grooved Rivets

Grip range is the thickness of the material to which grooved pop rivets can be riveted.Grip range should match the thickness of the plastic material being joined.

If the grip range is too long, the rivets will be too long to get a neat finish. If the grip range is too short, there is no way to make a good connection. For example, if the total thickness of the plastic is 3.5mm, the grip range of grooved pop rives should be between 3-5mm.

In Addition to Plastic,What are Grooved Rivets Used for?

Grooved pop rivets are good for joining plastic materials in addition to a wide range of other soft or brittle materials. These include the following common materials:

  • lumber
  • Composites
  • Rubber & Elastomers
  • Textiles & Composite Structures
  • Foam
  • Soft metal alloys
Applications Grooved Pop Rivets

Grooved pop rivets are installed in the same steps on these materials as they are on plastic. It is worth noting that when you use grooved pop rivets in your building, make sure they are made of corrosion-resistant materials.


Grooved pop rivets unique groove design works well for joining soft or brittle materials. Plastic materials are no exception. If your project requires joining materials that are not metal or are very thin, grooved pop rivets are an excellent choice.

Whether it’s plastics, composites, wood and fiber materials, grooved pop rivets do a great job of joining!

Order a Variety of Grooved Blind Rivets from Rivmate

If you want to order a large quantity of grooved pop rivets, Rivmate has the solution for you. We can offer grooved blind rivets in 1/8″, 5/32″ and 3/16″ sizes.

Contact us today for a quote on grooved pop rivets!

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Why Choose Peel Type Blind Rivets?

Rivmate Fastener

Rivmate Fastener

Top Rivet and Rivet Nut Manufacturer in China

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Peel Blind Rivets Supplier in China - Rivmate Color Rivets

Why choose peel type blind rivets?If the materials you are joining are soft or brittle, common blind rivets may damage them.Peel type blind rivets are uniquely designed to provide a large contact area and spread the load. Let’s find out more!

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Peel Type Blind Rivets are specially designed blind rivets for joining soft or brittle materials. Its unique structure allows the rivet to form a “Peel” structure during installation, providing a larger contact area and more uniform force distribution for the connected materials. When installing peel rivets, the body of the rivet separates like a banana.

Peel Type Blind Rivets in China

Like other blind rivets, peel blind rivets are structurally different but work on the same principle. Both insert the rivet into a pre-drilled hole, but when the mandrel is pulled, the blind side splits into petals, thus spreading the load on the joint.

Peel type blind rivets are ideal for joining soft and brittle materials. It allows for connections with or higher tensile and shear strengths that will not pull out. In addition to this, it is also possible to join different types of materials. For example fiberglass and wood or metal and plastic.

Types of Peel Type Blind Rivets

In practice, there are several types of peel type blnd rivets depending on the standard. These include dome head peel blind rivets and large flange peel blind rivets.

Dome Head Peel Type Blind Rivets

peel rivets

Dome Head Peel Type Blind Rivets have a round head design for a smooth and decorative appearance. The stripped construction makes this rivet particularly suitable for joining thin plates, brittle materials or applications where uniform stress distribution is required.

Large Flange Head Peel Type Blind Rivets

Why Choose Peel Type Blind Rivets

Compared to Dome Head Peel Type Blind Rivets, large flange head peel rivets provide greater contact area and support. The head has a larger flange, which means the head diameter is larger than the standard rivet head diameter. This design provides a larger surface contact area, which helps to distribute loading stresses and reduce the risk of material damage.

Colored Peel Type Blind Rivets

Peel Rivets Supplier in China - Rivmate Color Rivets

Colored Peel Type Blind Rivets are rivets that are based on the standard Peel Type Blind Rivet and have their head or the entire body of the rivet treated with a special treatment, such as painting or plating, to provide a specific colo. These rivets not only provide a mechanical connection, but also have a decorative or marking function.

This type of peel rivets has a very good decorative effect. The colored coating not only enhances the aesthetic appearance of the rivet, but also matches the surrounding materials or overall design. And of course by using different colors, you can mark specific parts or mounting locations during the assembly process for easy identification and sorting.

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Applications of Peel Type Blind Rivets

Peel type blind rivets are used in a wide range of industries, especially those involving thin, brittle materials and multi-material combinations. Their peel design provides a large support area and uniform stress distribution, which can effectively avoid material damage and improve connection strength.

1. Household Appliances

If you have paid attention, you will find that peel rivets are used a lot in the shell assembly of washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioners and other home appliances.

This is because peel blinds can effectively connect different materials such as metal and plastic, providing a firm fixing to avoid loosening, while their smooth appearance suits the aesthetic requirements of home appliances.

2. Automotive Interior

In the automotive production process, peel blind rivets are also used in the assembly of automotive instrument panels, door panels, seats and other interior components.

Peel blind rivets create uniform support on flexible and brittle materials such as plastics and composites, effectively preventing material breakage due to stress concentrations.

3. Furniture Manufacturing

If you are your project is for joining furniture pieces made of wood, plastic or composite materials. Then peel rivets will be perfect for you.

The support and solidity provided by its peel rivets design makes it ideal for assembling furniture pieces while also providing a great look.

4.Architectural Decoration

During building construction, peel rivets can be used to secure decorative building materials such as metal panels, partitions, parapets, etc.

Peel type blind rivets are uniquely designed to handle thin panels and brittle materials, providing a strong hold and an attractive appearance, while their corrosion resistance makes them suitable for outdoor applications.

Importance of Using Peel Type Blind Rivets

Peel type blind rivets are widely used in many applications and their importance is reflected in the multiple benefits that come with their unique design and features. The following are the importance of using Peel type blind rivets:

1. Protection of Brittle Materials

peel type blind rivets installing

Peel blind rivets split into multiple “petal” shapes during installation, creating a large back support area. This structure can effectively spread the stress, to avoid the concentrated force caused by the material breakage or cracking, especially for brittle materials such as plastics, fiberglass and composite materials. This characteristic makes Peel Blind Rivets ideal for fixing brittle materials, providing a reliable connection without damaging the material.

2. Suitable for Thin Sheet and Multi-layer Materials

The design of the Peel Blind Rivet allows it to form strong connections in thin plates and multi-layer materials. The peeled petal can provide enough clamping force on the backside to prevent deformation or tearing of the thin material. This is particularly important in areas where thin materials are required, such as electronic equipment, automotive interiors and household appliances.

3. Uniform Stress Distribution

Peel construction provides uniform stress distribution, avoiding the stress concentration problems that can result from traditional rivets or screws. Uniform stress distribution not only improves the strength and stability of the connection, but also extends the service life of the connection part and reduces the risk of fatigue damage.

Types of Peel Type Blind Rivets

4. Anti-vibration Performance

The shape of the peeled petal provides a degree of vibration resistance that helps to absorb and disperse vibration. This makes Peeled Blind Rivets a reliable choice in applications where anti-vibration properties are required, such as automotive and appliance equipment.

5. Versatility and Flexibility

Large Flange Head Peel Pop Rivets

Peel type blind rivets can accommodate a wide range of materials and applications. These include metal, plastic, wood, etc. In addition, Peel Blind Rivets can be coated or color coded as needed to provide additional decoration or functionality.

How Do You Choose the Right Peel Type Blind Rivets?

Like all blind rivets, peel type blind rivets are available in different materials and head styles. To ensure that peel rivets will meet the needs of your project, you need to consider several factors:

  • Material properties
  • Rivet size
  • Head shape
  • Special needs

Material Properties

The most common material combination for peel rivets is aluminum/steel, which meets the strength requirements for the deformation of peel blind rivets while providing a stable and strong connection.

Rivet Size

The dimensions of peel rivets include diameter and length.

You will need to select the appropriate rivet diameter to ensure that it will fit into the pre-drilled hole. The hole diameter is usually 0.1-0.2 mm larger than the rivet diameter to allow for smooth installation.

The next thing to consider is the length. Choose the length of the rivet based on the total thickness of the material to be joined. Generally, the rivet length should be at least 1.5 times longer than the total thickness of the material to ensure adequate stripping and a strong connection.

Head Shape

Dome Head Peel Type Blind Rivets and Large Flange Head Peel Rivets

The peel blind rivets are available in two head styles. (dome head and large flange head)You can make your purchase depending on the needs of your project!

Special Needs

If your project has specific needs for peel rivets, such as color and appearance requirements for the rivets.

If a specific color is required to meet the appearance requirements or to identify the application, you can choose the stripped blind rivets with color coating. You can ask our engineers about your needs and we can provide you with a corresponding solution.

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Explore the endless possibilities of Rivmate’s peel rivets.Peel type blind rivets reduce material damage and make it possible for you to join on brittle materials. It is very effective in minimizing losses due to failed rivets or material damage.

That’s why Rivmate recommends our peel type blind rivets for your plastics projects. So when you need to buy peel rivets, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Discover Perfect Solution for your Business with Rivmate!

Start the riveting journey with high quality and precise connections with the help of premium peel rivets from Rivmate Rivet. Let us be your trusted partner to ensure that your business realizes the highest cost-effectiveness. Get a quote or contact our customer service center to get started.

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The Ultimate Guide to Sealed Rivets

Rivmate Fastener

Rivmate Fastener

Top Rivet and Rivet Nut Manufacturer in China

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Rivmate Sealed Blind Pop Rivets

Before buying Sealed Rivets, you must need to know about Sealed Rivets. This blog tells you everything you need to know about sealed rivets and can help you to be well prepared before you officially buy sealed rivets.

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What is a Sealed Rivet?

Sealed Rivets, also known as Closed End Rivets, are mechanical fasteners. Unlike traditional blind rivets, it is designed to provide a high-strength connection while ensuring a tight seal at the joint. Closed end rivets have a completely closed end, a design that effectively prevents the ingress or leakage of liquids, gases or other substances through the rivet body.

Rivmate Aluminum Sealed Type Blind Pop Rivet

While the history of rivets goes back thousands of years, closed rivets were developed in the mid-20th century. Because of the unique design of the closed rivet, it was first used in applications that required high sealing performance, such as aerospace and automotive manufacturing.

How do Sealed Rivets Work?

Sealed Rivets work similarly to other types of blind rivets, but are unique in that they have a closed tail design that provides sealing performance.

How to Install Pop Rivets? - Pull the Mandrel Until it Breaks

Like open end blind rivets, sealed rivets form a stable connection by extruding and deforming the rivet body. The difference is that with a closed rivet, the tail of the rivet body expands outward under the action of the mandrel head, creating a blind head which holds the material securely between the rivet head and the blind head.

And the closed design of the Sealed Rivet ensures that the tail is completely enclosed, preventing liquids or gases from entering or escaping through the rivet.

How Do You Install Closed End Rivets?

How to Install Pop Rivets ? - The Most Complete Guide

1. Preparatory work

  • Drilling: Drill holes matching the rivet diameter in the material to be joined. The size and location of the holes must be accurate to ensure proper insertion of the rivets.
  • Insert the rivet: Insert the rivet body of the sealing rivet into the pre-drilled hole with the head of the rivet against the surface of the material and the mandrel protruding from the opposite side of the material.

2. Pull the mandrel

  • Start the rivet gun and pull the mandrel. The head of the mandrel pulls the bottom of the rivet body outward and expands during the pulling process, thus securing the material.

3. Forming the hold and seal

  • Rivet Body Expansion: Under the action of the mandrel head, the end of the rivet body expands outward to form a “blind head”. The blind head holds the material securely between the rivet head and the blind head.
  • Mandrel Break: Once the rivet body is fully expanded and the material is secured, continue to pull on the mandrel until it breaks at the preset break point. After the mandrel breaks, the remaining portion remains in the rivet body, completing the seal and securing.

4. Inspection and acceptance

  • Ensure that the rivets are securely installed and not loose. Check that the rivet head and blind head fit tightly to the surface of the material to ensure the sealing of the joint.
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What Are Sealed Pop Rivets Used For?

Sealed rivets, one of the most commonly used blind rivets, provide excellent sealing performance in addition to strong joint strength. They can effectively prevent the penetration or leakage of liquids and gases, and provide corrosion protection in harsh environments.


Sealed rivets will be used in the connection of structural components such as aircraft fuselage and wings. It is mainly used to seal joints to prevent air and liquid infiltration, ensuring airtightness and structural integrity in the cabin.

Automotive Manufacturing

Closed rivets are used in the attachment of components such as automobile bodies, chassis and fuel tanks. This includes use in areas such as fuel tanks that need to be sealed to prevent fuel leakage.

Construction and Infrastructure

Metal panels on roofs, facades and building exteriors need to be waterproof. Therefore, sealed rivets are used to connect and seal the metal panels on the exterior of the building to prevent rain and moisture from entering the interior of the building to improve the durability and waterproofness of the structure.

Piping Systems

Closed end pop rivets are used extensively in piping connections. It provides a tight seal to prevent leakage of liquids and gases, especially when handling hazardous chemicals or high-pressure fluids.

Public Infrastructure

Traffic signs, guardrails and signals that are exposed to the outdoors for long periods of time, sealed rivets provide reliable fastening and waterproofing, extending the life of the equipment.

Pros and Cons of Sealed Rivets

Even though closed end pop rivets are very popular, they still have their own advantages and disadvantages. Of course, if you want to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of pop rivets, you can read the hyperlinked

Pros of Sealed Pop Rivets

  • The closed tail design of the sealing rivet effectively prevents liquids, gases and other substances from penetrating through the rivet hole, providing an excellent seal.
  • Due to its closed design, the internal and external structure of sealed rivets can effectively resist corrosion, especially in wet or corrosive environments.
  • Sealed rivets can provide strong tensile and shear strength to ensure the stability and safety of the connection.
  • After the sealed rivets are installed, the closed end does not leave exposed mandrel remnants for a neat appearance.
  • The closed design avoids exposed mandrel remnants and reduces the risk of potential injury to other equipment or personnel.
Rivmate Sealed Type Blind Rivet

Cons of Sealed Pop Rivets

  • Sealed rivets typically cost more than open end rivets due to their complex manufacturing process and the high performance materials used.
  • Once installed, sealed rivets form a permanent joint that is difficult to remove, often requiring destructive means such as drilling or cutting.
  • Sealed rivets are primarily suited for metal-to-metal connections and are not well suited for soft materials such as wood or plastic.

What Are the Rivets that Don't Leak?

Rivets that do not leak are generally defined as rivets that are designed to provide an effective seal that prevents liquids from leaking through the joint. Such rivets are typically used in applications that require a watertight, airtight seal. Below are a few common types of watertight rivets:

Rivmate Aluminum Sealed Type Blind Pop Rivet
Waterproof Closed End Blind Rivets
Rivmate Waterproof Bulb Tite Rivets
Waterproof Bulb Tite Blind Rivet

Before choosing the rivets that will not leak, you should consider the following points clearly:

  • Application environment: choose the right type of waterproof rivets according to the application environment, for example, you need to consider whether it is exposed to water, chemicals or other corrosive media.
  • Material compatibility: Ensure that the rivet material is compatible with the material being joined to avoid galvanic corrosion or material degradation.
  • Sealing Requirements: Select rivets based on the sealing requirements of the application scenario, such as whether they need to be completely waterproof, airtight etc.

In short, rivets that do not leak, such as closed rivets and waterproof bulb tite rivets, are designed to prevent the penetration of liquids or gases. Choosing the right type of rivet can effectively ensure the sealing and safety of the connection and meet the waterproof and gasproof needs in different environments.

A large quantity of rivets

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How Do You Stop Rivets from Leaking?

Want to be your project to achieve good waterproofing. There are several measures that generally need to be taken:

  1. Selection of rivets with sealing structure
  2. Use of sealant
  3. With rubber gasket

Frequently Asked Questions About Sealed Rivets

In order to solve your questions about closed rivets more quickly, I have listed a few common questions for your reference.

Are Sealed Rivets Permanent?

Do Pop Rivets Leak? - The Comprehensive Guide-Rivmate Aluminum Closed Blind Pop Rivet

Closed End Rivets are often designed as permanent connections, which means they are not easily removed or readjusted once installation is complete.

Closed end rivets have a completely enclosed tail. This design not only provides a watertight and airtight seal, but also makes the rivet difficult to remove from the joint after installation. During installation, the mandrel of the rivet expands the rivet body by tension, creating a tight locking structure.

The installation process of a closed rivet consists of inserting the rivet into a pre-drilled hole and then pulling the mandrel through the rivet gun to deform the rivet body and secure it to the material. This process causes the tail of the rivet to expand and press against the inside of the material, creating a strong mechanical joint. Because this deformation is irreversible, the rivet is essentially impossible to remove after installation without damaging the joining material or the rivet itself.

Once installed, the removal of a closed rivet usually requires the use of specialized tools, such as a drilling machine to drill out or cut off the rivet. This operation usually damages the rivet and the surrounding material, so closed rivets are not suitable for connections that require frequent disassembly or adjustment.

Why Use a Rivet Over a Screw?

The choice to use rivets rather than screws depends on a variety of factors, including the strength requirements of the connection, the installation environment, the type of material, and the cost. Here are some of the main reasons for using rivets rather than screws:

  1. Rivets typically provide a permanent mechanical connection that, once installed, is difficult to remove.
  2. When joining materials, rivets are able to distribute stresses evenly across the joint, reducing stress concentrations.
  3. Rivets will not loosen due to vibration or stress.
  4. Compared to screws, blind rivets (e.g., open end blind rivets and closed end rivets) allow for unilateral operation, making it easy to install from only one side.
  5. Installation with rivets is often more efficient in mass production, especially in automated production lines. The cost of rivets is generally lower than screws, especially when speed of installation and tooling costs are considered.

If you’re interested in the difference between rivets and screws, you can read this post of mine.

Order High Quality Sealed Rivets from Rivmate

Rivmate as a top manufacturer and supplier of rivets in China. We can provide you with various types and materials of closed rivets. Including the following head types:

  1. Dome Head
  2. Countersunk Head
  3. Large Flange Head

Different Material Combinations:

  1. Aluminum Rivet/Steel Mandrel
  2. Aluminum Rivet/Aluminum Mandrel
  3. Aluminum Rivet/Stainless Steel Mandrel
  4. Steel Rivet/Steel Mandrel
  5. Stainless Steel 304 Rivet/Stainless Steel 420 Mandrel
  6. Stainless Steel 304 Rivet/Stainless Steel 316 Mandrel
  7. Copper Rivet/Steel Mandrel

If you have any purchasing needs and questions about Closed Rivet, please contact our engineers. He will give you a perfect solution for Closed Rivet.

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The Comprehensive Guide to Open End Blind Rivets

Rivmate Fastener

Rivmate Fastener

Top Rivet and Rivet Nut Manufacturer in China

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Rivmate open type blind pop rivet

Open end blind rivets are one of the most commonly used types of rivets. Business owners need to know the basic information about open end blind rivets before making a purchase. This comprehensive guide will give you a good help.

Table of Contents

What Are Open End Blind Rivets?

Open End Blind Rivets consist of two parts, a hollow cylindrical head and a high strength nail. It was originally designed to accomplish quick installations without the need for closure. Because open end blind rivets are so widely applicable, they are now one of the most commonly used blind rivets. They are used in a wide variety of industrial applications such as aerospace, automotive manufacturing, construction and electronic equipment manufacturing.

How Do I Choose The Right Size Pop Rivet? - Select the Length of the Pop Rivets

There are many different types of open end blind rivets to suit a variety of different applications. These include differences in head: dome head, countersunk head and large flange head. differences in material: aluminum, carbon steel and stainless steel.

History of Open End Blind Rivets

To solve the problem of difficulty in making quick dark turns in certain areas of an airplane, the pultruded rivet was invented in the 1950s. Most early blind rivets were designed with closed ends to prevent water and air infiltration. However, over time, open end blind rivets were designed to fulfill applications that did not require a complete seal. And open end blind rivets are cheaper to manufacture and have a wider range of applications.

With the development of material science, the material of open end blind rivets also expanded from the initial steel and aluminum to stainless steel, copper and other materials.

How do Open End Blind Rivets Work?

How do Open End Blind Rivets Work

The principle of open end blind rivets is to form a stable connection through the extrusion and deformation of the rivet head.

When installing open end blind rivets using a specialized rivet gun, the rivet gun locks the open end blind rivet’s rivet nail and then applies a set amount of pressure. This pulls on the rivet body and deforms it so that the rivet head and rivet body can form a stable connection on both sides of the material.

A large quantity of rivets

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How to Install Open End Blind Rivets?

Advantages of Open End Blind Rivets

  • Open end blind rivet is simpler in construction and do not require additional manufacturing processes. So open end blind rivets are typically less expensive to manufacture than other types of blind rivets. This gives them a significant advantage in cost-sensitive applications.
  • Because the open end blind rivet has a simple design and no additional closure components, it is typically lighter than closed end rivets. Ideal for applications that require weight savings, such as certain automotive and electronic equipment.
  • Open end blind rivet allows the open portion of the rivet to be exposed after installation, making it easy to visually check for proper installation. This is especially important in applications where quality and safety need to be assured.
  • In some applications, the open design can allow air or liquids to pass through, preventing problems with water buildup or poor ventilation.
A large quantity of rivets

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Disadvantages of Open End Blind Rivets

  • Due to the open-end design, blind rivets with openings do not provide a complete seal.
  • Open end blind rivet has lower tensile and shear strengths than closed end rivets. They are not suitable for connections with extremely high strength requirements.
  • The open-end construction exposes the interior portion, making it more susceptible to corrosion, especially in wet or corrosive environments.
  • In some cases, the open-end design may result in the exposure of mandrel remnants, increasing the potential risk of dislodgement, which could lead to safety issues or damage to surrounding equipment

Types of Open End Blind Rivets

The type of open end blind rivet is determined by its head type and material. So how many types and material combinations of open end blind rivets are there? Let’s look at them together below.

Types of Head

Types of Heads

In order to accommodate a variety of different application scenarios, open end blind rivets have a total of three different types of heads.

  • Dome Head
  • Countersunk Head
  • Large Flange Head

Types of Rivet & Mandrel Materials

  • Aluminum Rivet/Carbon Steel Mandrel
  • Aluminum Rivet/Aluminum Mandrel
  • Aluminum Rivet/Stainless Steel Mandrel
  • Carbon Steel Rivet/Carbon Steel Mandrel
  • Stainless Steel Rivet/Stainless Steel Mandrel
A large quantity of rivets

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What is the Difference Between Open End and Closed End Blind Rivets?

AspectOpen End Blind RivetsClosed End Blind Rivets
Design StructureRivet body with an open end, visible mandrelRivet body with a closed end, fully enclosed mandrel
Sealing PerformanceDoes not provide sealing, cannot prevent liquid or gas leakageProvides sealing, effectively prevents liquid and gas penetration
StrengthGenerally lower, especially in tensile strengthTypically higher, offering greater tensile and shear strength
Corrosion ResistanceMore exposure to elements, potentially more prone to corrosionClosed design offers better corrosion protection
Suitable EnvironmentSuitable for non-sealed applications, such as standard metal and plastic fasteningSuitable for environments requiring water or gas sealing, such as potential liquid exposure scenarios
Mandrel RetentionMandrel may be exposed, potential retention issuesFully enclosed mandrel, eliminating retention issues and enhancing safety
Aesthetic AppearanceOpen end may be less aesthetically pleasingClosed design provides a clean appearance, suitable for high-finish applications
CostGenerally lower, suitable for cost-sensitive applicationsTypically higher, suitable for applications with sealing and strength requirements
WeightLighter, suitable for weight-sensitive applicationsHeavier, but provides better strength and sealing

If you want to know more about open end blind rivets and closed end blind rivets and the differences between them, read this article “Closed End vs Open End Rivet“.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Pop Rivets Stronger Than Screws?

Do you know who is stronger, rivets or screws? 

Pop Rivets are often superior to Screws in terms of strength and stability, especially in applications where permanent, vibration-resistant and high-strength connections are required. Examples include aerospace, automotive and construction. However, once installed, Pop Rivets are often difficult to dismantle and are therefore not suitable for applications where frequent maintenance or dismantling is required.

Screws are superior in terms of flexibility and maintainability. They are easy to install and dismantle and are suitable for applications where components need to be regularly inspected, repaired or replaced, such as furniture assembly and electronic equipment.

What is the Reason for Using Open End Blind Rivets?

Although open end blind rivets came after closed end blind rivets, open end blind rivets continue to be an ideal choice for many industrial and commercial applications. In applications where sealing of the structure is not required, open end blind rivets are widely used due to their ease of one-side operation, quick installation efficiency, strength and reliability, cost-effectiveness, suitability for a wide range of materials, lack of need for special post-treatment, venting and draining capabilities, and ease of visual inspection.

Do Open Rivets Leak?

Of course, as you can tell from the name open end blind rivets, they are not waterproof.Open end blind rivets have an open bottom of the rivet body, which does not create a complete seal on the bottom after installation. Gases, liquids can penetrate through the opening.

So if your project requires sealing, then we don’t recommend you to use open end blind rivets, you should use closed end blind rivets with better sealing performance.So do you want to know which rivets are sealed? Read my article “Do Pop Rivets Leak“.

How Should I Buy Open End Blind Rivets?

When you want to buy open end blind rivets in large quantities, there may be a lot to consider. However, from my experience, you only need to consider three things:

  1. budget
  2. quality
  3. reliability of the manufacturer

Of course, it’s not that the other factors aren’t important, it’s just that these three are the ones that really make or break a deal.

First, let’s talk about budget. Budget can directly determine the quality of open end blind rivets. As we all know, the price of good quality rivets is relatively high, and the price of poor quality rivets is very low. You should be clear about the requirements of your project, is it a requirement for quality, or just cheap price will do.

The next thing is the quality. Every business owner wants to buy the best quality rivets at the lowest price. But this is obviously not possible. When there is no way for the rivet supplier to fulfill your requirements and you want to facilitate that order, then you either have to increase your budget or lower your requirements for quality. Projects are different, and so are the requirements for quality. This needs to be your own

Rivmate open type blind pop rivet

The last thing is that you need to find a reliable rivet manufacturer. Of course, it is not easy to find a reliable rivet manufacturer the first time. You may talk to more than one rivet manufacturer or supplier. If you want to buy open end blind rivets from a reliable rivet manufacturer, please contact us.


Through this post, I believe you have gained an in-depth understanding of open end blind rivets. Including its definition, structural composition, working principle, installation steps and advantages and disadvantages. This information is very important to you if you want to buy Open End Blind Rivet. This article will give you a better understanding of the type of open end blind rivets and information you want to buy.

Use high quality open end blind rivets to complete your project! The initial investment may be a little more, but the benefits will far outweigh the investment! An unrivaled secure connection is not to be

Order High Quality Open End Blind Rivets from Rivmate

Are you looking for reliable Open End Blind Rivet manufacturers?Rivmate is one of the top Blind Rivet manufacturers and suppliers in China. If you want to buy a large quantity of open end blind rivets, you can place your order with us!

Whether you want to buy 50,000pcs or 5,000,000pcs, we can well provide them for you! You can also provide drawing information to us, our engineers will provide solutions according to your drawings.

Contact us now!

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Rivet vs Nail - Difference of Rivets and Nails

Rivmate Fastener

Rivmate Fastener

Top Rivet and Rivet Nut Manufacturer in China

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Types of pop rivets - Rivmate Blind Rivet Supplier

Rivet vs nail is something that many business owners need to know before buying a rivet or nail. This article gives you a detailed overview of the differences between a rivet and a nail.

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What is a Rivet?

A rivet is a mechanical fastener used to permanently join two or more workpieces. A rivet is usually made of metal, including aluminum, steel, stainless steel, and other materials. It consists of a bar with a head and an end that is firmly secured to the workpiece by inserting it into a pre-drilled hole and then deforming or expanding the end. Rivets are widely used in manufacturing, construction, and aerospace industries, and are especially suited for applications where high strength and durable connections are required.

How Much Do Rivets Cost A Complete Guide

There are many types of rivets, including solid rivets, hollow rivets, semi-hollow rivets, blind rivets and structural rivets. Rivets can provide your project with high strength, good durability, excellent vibration resistance and consistent reliability.

A large quantity of rivets

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What is a Nail?

A nail is the most commonly used mechanical fastener for holding two or more objects (usually wood) together. It is usually made of metal in the shape of an elongated rod with a sharp end and a flat or slightly curved head at the other end. The sharp end of the nail is inserted into the material by hammering or other tools to hold it in place.

What is a Nail

There are many different types of nails including Common Nail, Box Nail, Finishing Nail, Flooring Nail, Ring Shank Nail and Screw Nail.

Difference of Rivet and Nail

Plus down let’s look at rivet vs nail in detail. fully understand the difference between rivet and nail.

1. Rivets vs Nails:Design and Structure

A rivet consists of a rivet head and a rivet stem. It has a broad head at one end to provide holding power and support. The other end, is deformed or expanded to hold the rivet during installation.

Holes need to be drilled in the connecting material for insertion of rivets prior to installation. The end of the rivet is then deformed by a tool such as a rivet gun to expand and secure it in the hole, forming a tight connection. The rivets form a permanent connection after installation and are not easily removed.

How Do I Choose The Right Size Pop Rivet? - Dome Head Pop Rivets

The construction of a nail is as simple as it gets. It has a flat or slightly curved head at one end for hammering. The main part is usually a slender rod. The other end of the nail is very sharp and is used for insertion into the material.

When using nails, there is no need to pre-drill holes and they can be hammered directly into the material. Nails can be used for temporary or permanent connections and are relatively easy to pull out with tools.

Rivet vs Nail - Difference between rivets and nails

2. Rivet vs Nail: Installation Method

There is a significant difference between Rivet and nail in terms of installation methods.

Prior to installing rivets, holes matching the rivet diameter need to be drilled in the material to be joined, and then a specialized riveting tool is used to complete the rivet installation process. Nails, on the other hand, only require the use of a hammer or nail gun to directly strike the head of the nail to complete the installation.

If you want to know more about installing rivet, you can read this article “How to Install Pop Rivet“.

3. Rivet vs Nail: Application

There is also a big difference between rivet and nail in terms of usage scenarios.

Rivets provide a strong and permanent connection. Ideal for connections that require high strength, durability and reliability, such as in aerospace, automotive manufacturing, construction and bridges, metal fabrication and more.

Nails, on the other hand, are quicker and more flexible to install. It is suitable for applications that require quick and easy installation and removable connections, such as construction and carpentry, furniture manufacturing, decoration, packaging and transportation, DIY and handicrafts.

This article describes the application of rivets.”Applications of Blind Rivets“.

4. Rivet vs Nail:Strength and Durability

Strength of Rivets and Screws - Tensile Strength

Normally, nails are not as strong as rivets.

Rivets are fastened by deformation or expansion during connection, which improves high tensile and shear strength. And the head of the rivet can uniformly disperse the stress, reducing the stress of the material several kinds, and enhancing the stability of the overall structure. And the strength of the nail depends on the type of nail, usually possesses lower tensile and shear strength.

In addition to this, the rivets will form a permanent connection after installation, not easy to loosen. The nails are then easily removable.

Rivet vs Nail:Working Principle

How to Install Pop Rivets? - Pull the Mandrel Until it Breaks

Rivets are used to form a tight connection by applying pressure to the end of the rivet, causing the end to deform or expand. The tail of the rivet deforms under pressure to form a new head that holds the material securely between the two ends of the rivet.

Rivet vs Nial

Instead, the nails are held in the material by friction on the surface of the material and by the shape of the nail. The head of the nail will provide additional support to prevent the nail from pulling out of the material.

Rivet vs Nail: Material suitability

In industry, a lot of pop rivet is used because rivet can be adapted to various materials. Whether metals, plastics, composites or sheet materials, rivet can be used to connect materials. Unlike nails, which have a relatively low strength, there is no way to connect metal materials. In everyday applications, nails are widely used in wood, plasterboard, fiberboard, plywood and lightweight materials.

All in all, rivets not only provide a stable connection for metal materials, but also provide a strong connection for lightweight materials. However, nails are only suitable for joining wood or lightweight materials.

Rivet vs Nail: Permanent Connection

Best Ways to Remove Rivets

Typically, rivets are considered by engineers to be permanent connections. If you want to remove a rivet, you have to destroy the structure of the rivet, and there is no way to reuse it. But nails are different, they are designed to be very flexible. And it’s very easy to remove, requiring only a pry bar or other tool to pull it out without damaging the material.

If your interested in whether rivets are a permanent connection, read this article.”Are Rivets Permanent“.

Rivet vs Nail:Cost

The cost difference between Rivet and nail is mainly in the cost of materials, installation tools and equipment.

In terms of material cost, rivets are usually made of high-strength metals such as aluminum, steel, and stainless steel, which cost more. While nails are usually made of steel, iron and other metals, the cost is lower.

From the point of view of the tools used, the installation of rivets requires the use of specialized tools, such as manual rivet guns, pneumatic rivet guns or electric rivet guns. These tools are more costly, especially the high-end pneumatic or electric equipment. Whereas, installing nails only requires a hammer, which is quite inexpensive.

Rivets cost a lot more than nails, but they will be stronger. So you have to give to choose the right connecting fasteners according to the requirements of your project.


How Much Do Rivets Cost?

A large quantity of rivets

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Rivet vs Nail : Difference Between Rivets and Nails

There are still a lot of differences between rivets and nails, and I’ve included a detailed comparison of their differences in the table below.

Design StructureComposed of a head and a deformable tail; fixed by deforming or expanding the tailComposed of a long, slender shaft with a pointed end and a flat or slightly curved head; fixed by driving into material
Installation MethodRequires pre-drilled holes; fixed using a rivet gun to deform the tailDriven directly into material with a hammer or nail gun; no pre-drilling needed
Application ScenariosAerospace, automotive manufacturing, construction and bridges, metalworking, electronics and appliance manufacturingConstruction and carpentry, furniture manufacturing, interior decoration, packaging and shipping, DIY and crafts
StrengthHigh tensile and shear strength; suitable for high-stress and vibration environmentsLower tensile and shear strength; suitable for lighter loads and softer materials
Working PrincipleFixed by deforming or expanding the tail, creating a permanent connectionFixed by friction; head provides additional support; can be temporary or permanent
Suitable MaterialsMetals (steel, aluminum, stainless steel), plastics, composites, thin sheet materialsWood, drywall, fiberboard, plywood, lightweight materials
Permanence of ConnectionForms a permanent connection; difficult to remove, requires drilling out or destructionCan be temporary or permanent; easy to remove and adjust, suitable for applications needing flexibility
CostHigher material cost, specialized tool cost, longer installation time, requires skilled laborLower material cost, simple tool cost, quick and easy installation, no special skills required


We covered the vast majority of the differences between rivet and nail. Including their structure, how they work and usage scenarios. In addition, we have listed and organized the differences between rivet and nail into a table. Be sure to check out the differences so you can choose the right fastener for your project.

Explore Rivmate's High Quality Blind Rivets

Rivmate is a pioneer in the manufacture of blind rivets. From the manufacture of standard blind rivets to the design and customization of high-strength structural rivets, our line of rivets is one of diversity and excellence. Inspected under a 13-step inspection process, our rivets redefine quality and value for money. We can offer you the most affordable rivet solutions.

Our premium customers are located all over the world. As a result, you will always get the product and price that best fits your market.

Get rivets quote today! Contact us today.

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Huck Bolt vs Rivet: What is the Difference?

Rivmate Fastener

Rivmate Fastener

Top Rivet and Rivet Nut Manufacturer in China

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Lockbolt Fastening System

You should know about huck bolt vs rivet to start a new project. Learn the difference between huck bolt and rivet and build the most correct riveting system.

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What is a Huck Bolt?

The Huck Bolt is a high-strength mechanical fastener used in a wide range of applications in heavy-duty and high-vibration environments such as construction, bridges, railroads, trucks, and other heavy equipment.The Huck Bolt system consists of two main components: a bolt and a locking ring (or collar).

C50L Lockbolt - High Strength Lockbolt Fastener

When your project requires exceptional strength, choose the huck bolt to complete the joining process. the huck bolt provides extremely high tensile and shear strength, and the unique mechanical locking involved prevents loosening and dislodging. the huck bolt is designed for use in a wide variety of applications, such as construction bridges, railroads, and other heavy-duty equipment.

Types of Lockbolt and Huckbolt

What is a Rivet?

A rivet is a permanent mechanical fastener. It can be used on many different materials. Blind rivets can join dissimilar metals, but of course care needs to be taken to ensure compatibility between the metals.

Peel Blind Rivets Supplier in China - Rivmate Color Rivets

The most important feature of blind rivets is that they can be riveted on one side. As a result, blind rivets are now widely used in a variety of different applications. Whether it is a light duty application or a heavy duty application, you can find the right type of rivet for them in a blind rivet.If you want an in-depth look at the types of rivets and their applications. Please read my article “types of rivets and their application“.

Pros and Cons of Huck Bolts

Now let’s take a look at the pros and cons of huckbolts.

Pros of Huck Bolt

Huck bolt is an ultra-high strength riveted fastener that offers several advantages. Here are some of the advantages of huck bolt:

  • Huck Bolt offers extremely high tensile and shear strength to withstand heavy loads and high stress environments.
  • The mechanical locking design prevents loosening and dislodging and is especially suited for high vibration and dynamic load applications such as railroads and trucks.
  • Installation is quick and easy with a specialized Huck Bolt installation tool, eliminating the need for complicated maneuvers.
  • No precise torque control is required during installation, avoiding over-tightening or over-loosening problems.
  • Consistent mounting results for each Huck Bolt ensures the same tightening force at each connection point.
  • Provides a reliable connection and reduces the need for maintenance.
  • Huck Bolt is manufactured using high quality materials to ensure long term performance in harsh environments.
  • Suitable for outdoor and wet environments for extended life.
  • Because the Huck Bolt will not loosen, it reduces the need for periodic inspection and retightening, reducing maintenance costs.
Lockbolt Fastening System

Cons of Huck Bolt

Of course, no fastener is perfect.The Huck bolt has a number of drawbacks in addition to its many advantages. Here are some of the disadvantages of huck bolts:

  • The high initial cost of the Huck Bolt and its specialized installation tools can pose a challenge for smaller projects or those with limited budgets.
  • Huck Bolts are often made from high strength materials, which can be costly.
  • Specialized Huck Bolt installation tools (hydraulic or pneumatic tools) are required, which adds to the cost of the equipment and operational complexity.
  • Installation tools require regular maintenance and specialized training for operators.
  • The installation process of the Huck Bolt makes it a permanent connection that cannot be reused after removal, limiting its use in applications that require frequent disassembly and reassembly.
  • Because the Huck Bolt is typically made of high-strength metals, it may increase the total weight of the connected structure, which may be detrimental in certain applications where lightweighting is critical.
A large quantity of rivets

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Pros and Cons of Rivets

As an engineer, there is definitely a basic understanding of rivet, but recognizing its pros and cons is still necessary.

Pros of Rivets

A rivet is a widely used riveted fastener that is used in many industries. It can connect a variety of items for you. Here are some of the benefits of rivets:

  • Rivets provide a strong and durable mechanical connection for applications subject to high stress and vibration.
  • Rivets form a connection that will not easily loosen or fall out, ensuring structural stability and safety.
  • Rivets are suitable for joining a wide variety of materials, including metals, plastics and composites.
  • They are widely used in aerospace, construction, automotive manufacturing, marine and electronic equipment.
  • The riveting process is simple and fast, especially suitable for mass production and automated assembly lines.
  • It can be operated flexibly with a variety of tools such as manual rivet guns, pneumatic rivet guns and hydraulic riveting machines.
  • Rivets are suitable for joining thin sheet materials without threading, simplifying the production process.
  • Rivet connection does not apply high pressure to the material like bolting, which reduces the risk of material deformation.
  • The riveting process does not produce harmful gases and waste materials, in line with environmental requirements.
  • Compared with welding and other high-temperature joining methods, riveting uses less energy.
Types of pop rivets - Rivmate Blind Rivet Supplier

Cons of Rivets

Rivets also have some drawbacks. Here are some of the disadvantages of rivets:

  • Once riveted, the riveted joint is usually not removable; if removal is required, the rivets must be destroyed, making repairs and modifications to the structure more difficult.
  • Riveting may not be as effective as other fastening methods for materials with high hardness or thickness.
  • The strength of rivets is mainly concentrated at the connection point, if the number of rivets is insufficient or unevenly distributed, it may lead to a lack of local strength.
A large quantity of rivets

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Huck Bolt vs Rivet: What's the Difference?

Huckbolt and rivet have many similarities, but they are also very different from each other. Here are the main differences between huckbolt and rivet:

Point of DifferenceHuck BoltRivet
deviseConsisting of a bolt and a locking ring (collar), the tail is locked and sheared by means of a special tool.Consisting of a nail shank and a nail head, a connection is formed by deforming the nail shank with a riveting tool.
connection strengthProvides extremely high tensile and shear strength for heavy loads and high vibration environments.Provides a high-strength connection, but not as strong as Huck Bolt’s tensile and shear strength.
Durability and reliabilityHigh durability with excellent resistance to vibration and dynamic loads, reducing the risk of loosening and dislodging.Good durability, but may require more maintenance in high vibration environments.
application scenarioSuitable for heavy vehicles, railroads, buildings, bridges, mining equipment and other highly loaded structures.Widely used in aerospace, construction, automotive manufacturing, marine, electronic equipment and so on.
 costsInitial costs are high and include high material costs and specialized tooling costs.Relatively low initial cost and suitable for high volume production.

1. Devise

Huckbolt and rivet are very different in their structural design although they work on similar principles.Huckbolt consists of a bolt and collar which is locked and sheared off at the end by a special tool.Rivet consists of a nail and a nail head which is deformed and squeezed to form a joint by a riveting tool.Huckbolt is made by a special tool which is used to lock and shear the tail.

Types of Rivet Material - Copper Blind Rivets

2. Connection Strength

Another big difference is that their connection strengths vary greatly.Huckbolt is specifically designed for heavy equipment and can provide extremely high tensile and shear strengths. It is ideally suited for use in heavy load and high vibration environments. While the rivet is also very strong, it will not have the tensile and shear strength of the huck bolt.

3. Durability and Reliability

Both huckbolt and rivet are excellent for their durability and reliability. huckbolt can provide your application with high durability, vibration resistance and excellent dynamic load performance. It can effectively minimize the risk of loosening and dislodging. rivet, while also having high durability performance, may require more maintenance in high vibration environments.

4. Application Scenario

Heavy Duty Lockbolts Fastener Rivets Application

Huckbolt is often used in heavy equipment because of its extra strength. For example, heavy vehicles, railroad connections, steel construction of buildings, and high load structures such as mining equipment.Rivet is not as strong as huckbolt, but still provides a high level of strength.Rivet is used in a variety of industrial equipment. Rivet is used in a variety of industrial equipment, more often in construction, automobile manufacturing, electronic equipment connections, and so on.

5. Costs

Engineers who work with huckbolt and rivet on a regular basis should be well aware that the cost of huckbolt is much higher than rivet, and that more materials are used in its manufacture.

A large quantity of rivets

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Which One Should I Choose?

The choice of riveted fasteners depends on your project. You need to determine your project’s specific requirements for characteristics such as strength and durability.Huckbolt can provide you with extreme strength and durability, but it is more costly. You can use it for applications that require ultra-high strength connections.

Types of Lockbolts - How to Choose Lockbolts for Your Project?

Rivet has a wider range of applications and can join a variety of materials. This includes plastics, brittle materials and composites. It also enables you to complete your projects quickly.

So, if your project involves heavy equipment or steel structures that require high strength, huckbolt is best suited for your project. However, if your project does not require that much strength, you should choose rivet.

A large quantity of rivets

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Huckbolt and rivet basically fulfill every application scenario. It allows you to equip your project with a secure and stable connection. These rivets also keep your project looking great, making it perfect for high-end projects.

However, you need to make sure that you choose the most appropriate joining technology for your project. Consider the differences to choose the riveting technology that best suits your specific needs. Create the future through stable connections with top-of-the-line huckbolt and rivet from top rivet manufacturer.

Get HuckBolt and Rivets for Your Projects From Rivmate

Riveting is an effective and accurate method of making connections. Huckbolts and rivets make this possible. the Rivmate rivet offers high quality huckbolts and rivets to meet your needs. You can also explore several other sheet fastening solutions at Rivmate rivet. Request a quote to get the best riveting solution for your project and start making secure connections.

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Difference Between Hot Riveting and Cold Riveting

Rivmate Fastener

Rivmate Fastener

Top Rivet and Rivet Nut Manufacturer in China

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Difference of Hot Riveting and Cold Riveting

If you want to upgrade your riveting system, you have to know about hot riveting and cold riveting.Understand the difference between hot riveting and cold riveting to make the right choice for your project.

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In this blog post, we will explore the difference between hot riveting and cold riveting. You will also learn about the advantages of hot riveting and cold riveting. So, let’s dive in.

What is Cold Riveting?

Cold Riveting is a common method of joining metals. This joining method utilizes mechanical forces to plastically deform rivets at room temperature to achieve a permanent connection between metal parts. Unlike hot riveting, cold riveting does not require the rivet to be heated, does not damage the surface of the material and does not generate thermal stresses.

Automatic Riveting Stainless Steel Products

Cold riveting is accomplished by applying mechanical force to press the rivet into a pre-drilled hole, which deforms the rivet stem and creates a strong connection. The process involves the following steps:

  1. Drilling: Drill holes matching the diameter of the rivet in the metal parts to be joined.
  2. Inserting the rivet: Insert the rivet into the drilled hole, with the stem of the rivet passing through all layers of the metal to be joined.
  3. Applying Pressure: Pressure is applied using a riveting tool (such as a manual rivet gun, pneumatic rivet gun or hydraulic riveting machine) to deform the rivet stem and form the locking head.
  4. Fixed Connection: The deformed portion of the rivet stem holds two or more pieces of metal tightly together to form a reliable mechanical connection.

It should be noted that engineers should choose the appropriate riveting tool according to the type and size of rivets, to ensure that the tool performance meets the requirements, regular inspection and maintenance of the tool. Compatibility between materials is also important to avoid problems caused by galvanic corrosion and differences in coefficients of thermal expansion.

Advantages of Cold Riveting

Cold riveting is a high quality and non-polluting joining method. Here are some of its advantages:

1. No Thermal Influence

Cold riveting generates essentially no heat during the installation process. This type of joining maintains material properties. Cold riveting is carried out at room temperature and does not involve heating operations, so it does not affect the metallurgical structure and mechanical properties of the materials being joined. The material maintains its original strength and toughness during the riveting process. Engineers only need a special rivet gun, you can well complete the whole process of cold riveting.

2. Easy and Fast Operation

application of self piercing rivet

Traditional hot riveting requires specialized high temperature equipment to complete the riveting process. Cold riveting does not require specialized heating equipment and is relatively simple to operate, making it ideal for on-site and large-scale production.The process of cold riveting is very fast and can effectively increase productivity.

And the tools that can be used are varied. The use of manual rivet gun, pneumatic rivet gun or hydraulic riveting machine and other tools can be completed, the cost of equipment is low.

3. Wide Application

Cold riveting allows for the joining of a wide range of materials due to the lack of thermal influence. These include steel, stainless steel, aluminum, copper and titanium. It can also be used to join dissimilar materials. Therefore, cold riveting can be used in a wide range of applications. Cold riveting is used in many fields such as aerospace, automotive, construction, household appliances and shipbuilding.

A large quantity of rivets

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What is Hot Riveting?

Hot Riveting is a metal joining technique in which rivets are heated to a high temperature and then riveted. This joining technique utilizes the contraction force of the heated rivet as it cools to form a strong mechanical joint. It typically involves heating the rivets to 1000°F – 2000°F.

Hot riveting shrinks rapidly as it cools and simply locks the joining material in place. Hot riveting provides an extremely strong joint compared to cold riveting. It provides a more secure connection for heavy equipment.

Difference Between Hot Riveting and Cold Riveting - Hot Riveting

Hot riveting also perfectly fills the gaps between the holes and ensures a tight connection between the materials. Of course, hot riveting is more demanding for engineers, you need to follow the standard operating procedures to complete the process of hot riveting. Otherwise, it is very likely to cause riveting failure.

Advantages of Hot Riveting

Hot Riveting is a riveting technique that utilizes high temperatures to plastically deform the rivet and create a contraction force during cooling to achieve fastening. Hot riveting offers a variety of advantages and is particularly suited to connections that require high strength and durability. The following are the main advantages of hot riveting:

1. High Strength Connections

Hot riveting provides a very strong mechanical connection by shrinking and clamping the rivet tightly to the material being joined during the cooling process. The strength of this connection is great, so Hot riveting is suitable for applications subject to high loads and stresses.

The heated rivets have good plasticity, which allows them to deform uniformly and fill the voids in the holes, creating a tight mechanical lock.

2. Residual Stress Relief

Difference Between Hot Riveting and Cold Riveting - Hot Riveting

The contraction of the rivet during heating and cooling removes some of the residual stresses, reducing the risk of material fatigue and cracking due to stress concentrations. And through high temperature treatment, some of the internal stresses can be released or redistributed during the riveting process, improving the overall stability of the joint.

3. Reliable Long-term Durability

The high strength connection and tight locking of hot riveting provides stability and durability over a long period of time, making it suitable for structures that need to maintain a strong connection over a long period of time.

A large quantity of rivets

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What Scenarios are Each of These Two Types of Riveting Suitable for?

Cold riveting is suitable for joining scenarios where fast, efficient and economical joining is required. Examples include automotive manufacturing, aerospace, household appliances, building and construction, shipbuilding and general metal structures. Its simplicity, lack of thermal impact and environmental friendliness make it particularly suitable for high-volume production and on-site operations.

Heavy Duty Lockbolts Fastener Rivets Application

Hot riveting is suitable for joining scenarios where high strength, durability and reliability are required. Examples include bridges and infrastructure, aerospace, shipbuilding, construction, rail and rail transit, and heavy machinery. Its high-strength connections, long-term durability and good filler characteristics make it widely used in heavy structures and highly stressed components.

A large quantity of rivets

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Difference Between Hot Riveting and Cold Riveting

While both hot riveting and cold riveting are used to join metals, there are significant differences between them. The differences between the two types of riveting allow them to be used in different scenarios. Here are the difference between hot riveitng and cold riveting.

Point of DifferenceHot RivetingCold Riveting
Equipment RequirementHeating equipment (such as flame heaters or induction heaters) and riveting tools are required.Only ambient riveting tools such as manual rivet guns, pneumatic rivet guns or hydraulic riveting machines are required.
Pros1. Provides very high connection strength
2. Good pore filling capacity
3. Eliminate some residual stresses
1. Easy to operate
2. No thermal influence
3. Environmentally friendly
4. Fast and efficient, suitable for mass production
Economy and Efficiency1. Higher cost
2. Longer operation time
1. Lower cost
2. Easy and quick to operate
Environmental ImpactHigh-temperature operation may generate exhaust gases and thermal pollution.No waste gas and heat pollution generated by high temperature, in line with environmental requirements.
Residual StressSome residual stresses may be removed during high temperature treatment and cooling.Cold working may produce some residual stresses.

difference between hot riveting and cold riveting

1. Equipment Requirement

Hot riveting is installed with the aid of heating equipment. For example, flame heaters or induction heaters. In addition to the heating equipment, special riveting tools are required to complete the installation of the heated rivets. cold riveting is different, it only requires the use of riveting tools to complete the entire installation process.

2. Pros

Hot riveting provides very high joint strength, which is not possible with cold riveting. hot riveting has good pore filling and eliminates some residual stresses. cold riveting does not have the same characteristics as hot riveting, but cold riveting does not have a thermal effect, which reduces the risk of material damage. Reduces the risk of material damage. Cold riveting is also a very fast joining method and is suitable for mass production.

3. Economy and Efficiency

The cost of hot riveitng is high compared to cold riveitng.

4. Environmental Impact

Application of Speed Rivets

Hot riveting requires high temperatures to operate, which results in the generation of exhaust gases and thermal pollution, which is not generated by cold riveting. Cold riveting does not produce these pollutants and meets international environmental standards.

5. Residual Stress

Residual stresses are stresses that remain in a solid material after the original cause of the stress has been removed. Residual stresses are undesirable in metal connections. In the process of hot riveting, some residual stresses are eliminated during high temperature treatment and cooling. While cold riveting may generate some residual stresses.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ 1:Why Does Hot Riveting Provide Higher Joint Strength?

Hot riveting is achieved by heating the rivet to a red-hot state, giving it good plasticity. During the cooling process, the rivet shrinks and clamps tightly to the material being joined, creating a very strong mechanical lock, resulting in a high-strength joint.

FAQ 2:What Effect Does Hot Riveting Have on the Material?

Hot riveting may alter the metallurgical structure of the materials being joined, affecting their mechanical properties and durability. At the same time, high-temperature operation is a safety hazard and requires strict safety measures.

FAQ 3:Is Cold Riveting Suitable for All Metal Materials?

Cold riveting is suitable for a wide range of metal materials, including steel, stainless steel, aluminum, copper and titanium. However, for very hard or thick materials, cold riveting may not be as effective as hot riveting.

A large quantity of rivets

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Hot riveting and cold riveting are both commonly used riveting methods. However, there are significant differences between these two methods of joining. As a successful entrepreneur, you need to understand the difference between hot riveting and cold riveting and the scenarios before starting a project. In this way, you can choose the most appropriate riveting method to ensure the quality and performance of the connection.

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Do you want to use high quality blind rivets for your business?Rivmate rivet‘s specialized blind rivet solutions make the difference. Contact us today for the perfect blind rivet or structural rivet to revitalize your project or business.

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What is Cold Riveting? The Ultimate Guide

Rivmate Fastener

Rivmate Fastener

Top Rivet and Rivet Nut Manufacturer in China

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How to Install Pop Rivets ? - The Most Complete Guide

What is cold riveting? cold riveting is a vital connection in modern industrial production. By reading the following, you will learn what is cold riveting, its advantages, applications and the difference between hot riveting and cold riveting.

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What Are the Techniques for Cold Joining Metal?

Cold riveting plays a vital role in the production process of industry. Especially in cases where heat treatment (e.g. welding) is not suitable or permitted. There are several common cold riveting techniques:

  1. Riveting (joining using rivets)
  2. Fastening (using bolts, nuts, screws, etc.)
  3. Adhesive Bonding
  4. Crimping
  5. Clamping
  6. Interference Fit
  7. Self Piercing Riveting
Automatic Riveting Stainless Steel Products

Each of these cold connection techniques has its own advantages and scope of application. Choosing the right cold jointing technique for a specific application will ensure the strength, durability and reliability of the connection. When using these techniques, care needs to be taken to select the right materials, tools and processes to ensure a precise and standardized operation. Let’s take an in-depth look at rivet cold jointing.

What is Cold Riveting?

Cold Riveting is a common method of joining metals. It utilizes mechanical forces to plastically deform rivets at room temperature to achieve a permanent connection between metal parts. Unlike hot riveting, cold riveting does not require heating of the rivet or the material being joined. Therefore, no thermal stresses or heat affected zones are introduced.

How to Install Pop Rivets? - Pull the Mandrel Until it Breaks

Cold riveting is the process of pressing a rivet into a pre-drilled hole by applying a mechanical force that deforms the rivet stem and forms a strong connection.

It is important to note that the rivet material is compatible with the metal being joined and it is necessary to ensure that the hole diameter matches the rivet diameter. Avoid holes that are too large or too small to affect the quality of the connection.

What are the Advantages of Cold Riveting?

Cold Riveting is now widely used in various industrial applications. This type of connection has many features and advantages. The following are the main features and benefits of Cold Riveting:

1. No Thermal Effects

Unlike welding, cold riveting does not involve heating. Can effectively avoid the heat treatment caused by the material deformation, thermal stress and performance degradation and other issues. This type of connection can maintain the original mechanical properties of the material to the maximum extent.

Riveting Effect of Stainless Steel Blind Rivets

2. High Strength and Durability

In actual industrial production, rivets are used in cold riveting to complete the joining process. There are many types of rivets, but not all of them can provide high strength. cold riveting is a method of joining that can provide a high strength mechanical connection, which enables the rivet to withstand high levels of stress and vibration, and ensures the durability and stability of the connection.

3. Easy Operation

The cold riveting process is very simple. Engineers do not need complicated equipment and high temperature treatment for rivet installation. All that is needed is a rivet gun for small repairs and mass production. The field operating costs of the cold riveting process are much lower than other joining methods!

Riveting Stainless Steel

4. No Pollution to the Environment

Unlike other hot riveting methods, the cold riveting process does not produce harmful gases and waste materials, which is in line with environmental requirements. The rivets and materials being joined can usually be recycled, reducing environmental pollution.

5. Low Cost

Why does mass production use a lot of cold riveting? Because the cost of this type of connection is very low! Unlike the hot riveting method, the cold riveting process has a low cost of equipment and low energy consumption during operation, making it suitable for large-scale industrial production and highly cost-effective.

What is Cold Riveting Used for?

Cold Riveting is widely used in many industries and applications where its high strength, durability and ease of operation make it ideal for joining various structures and components. The following are the main application areas and specific examples of Cold Riveting:

Ⅰ. Aerospace Industry

  • Aircraft Fuselage and Airfoil: Cold riveting is used to join aircraft fuselages, airfoils and other critical structural components, providing high strength and lightweight connections.
  • Aircraft Interior Structures: Used to join seat supports, luggage racks, interior panels, etc. to ensure safety and durability.

Ⅱ . Automotive Manufacturing

Self Piercing Rivets for Automotive Structural Connections
  • Body panels: Used to connect exterior panels and interior structural components of the body to provide a strong mechanical connection.
  • Chassis and Suspension: Used to connect key components of the chassis and suspension system to ensure the structural strength and safety of the vehicle.
  • Doors and Luggage Lids: To connect doors and luggage lids, providing a durable and easy-to-maintain connection.

Ⅲ . Construction

  • Bridge Structures: Used for steel connections in bridges, providing high strength and durability of the connection.
  • Steel Buildings: for steel connections in high-rise buildings and industrial plants, ensuring structural safety and stability.
  • Decorative Connections: used for the connection of architectural decorative parts, providing an aesthetic and flat appearance.

Ⅳ . Shipbuilding

Closed End Blind Rivets for Aluminum Boats
  • Hull Structure: Used for the connection of hull plates and frames, providing high strength and corrosion resistant connections.
  • Decks and Cabins: Used for connecting internal structural members of decks and cabins to ensure the overall stability of the structure.
  • Offshore Equipment: for the connection of offshore drilling platforms and other offshore equipment, providing corrosion-resistant and high-strength connections.

Ⅴ . Home Appliances

  • Appliance Housings: Used to connect the metal housings and internal supports of appliances, providing a stable and aesthetically pleasing connection.
  • Internal Components: Used to connect various metal components inside the appliance to ensure product stability and durability.

Ⅵ . Railroad and Rail Transportation

Heavy Duty Lockbolts Fastener Rivets Application
  • Carriage Structures: Used to connect the outer shell and inner structure of railroad carriages, providing a strong and durable connection.
  • Rail Equipment: Used to connect tracks and other rail transportation equipment to ensure safety and stability.

Ⅶ . Heavy Machinery

  • Mechanical Frames: Used to connect frame structures of heavy machinery and equipment, providing high strength and durability.
  • Moving Parts: Used to connect moving parts and brackets of heavy machinery to ensure operational stability.

What is the Difference Between Hot Riveting and Cold Riveting?

Hot Riveting and Cold Riveting are two common riveting techniques. There is still a big difference between them. There are significant differences in the principles, processes, applications, advantages and disadvantages. hot riveting provides a stronger joint, good filler and eliminates residual stresses. cold riveting is simple to perform and is well suited for on-site and mass production. cold riveting does not affect the material properties and does not contaminate the environment.

Difference of Hot Riveting and Cold Riveting

Hot riveting is suitable for heavy structures and highly stressed components where high strength and durability are required. It provides a very strong connection despite the higher cost and complexity of operation. Cold riveting, on the other hand, is more suitable for mass production and joining metals at room temperature. Easy to operate and environmentally friendly, it is suitable for automotive manufacturing, household appliances and general metal construction. The choice of riveting method should be based on the specific needs of the application, material properties and economic costs to be considered in a comprehensive manner.

Hot Riveting vs Cold Riveting

FeatureHot RivetingCold Riveting
PrincipleRivet is heated to a red-hot state, then riveted. Upon cooling, it shrinks and tightly clamps the material.Rivet is deformed and fixed at room temperature by applying mechanical force.
Process1. Heat the rivet
2. Insert the rivet
3. Rivet and form
4. Cool
1. Drill holes
2. Insert the rivet
3. Apply pressure
Advantages1.Provides high-strength connection
2.Good filling properties
3.Eliminates some residual stress
1.Simple operation
2.No thermal impact
3.Environmentally friendly
Disadvantages1.Requires high-temperature equipment
2.May affect material properties
3.Environmental and safety risks
1.Limited applicability
2.Possible residual stress
Applications1.Heavy structures (bridges, steel buildings, large machinery)
2.High-stress components (aircraft, ships)
1.Automotive manufacturing (body panels, chassis)
2.Household appliances
3.General metal structures
Economics & Efficiency1.Higher cost
2.Lower efficiency
1.Lower cost
2.Higher efficiency
Environmental ImpactHigh-temperature operation may produce waste gases and thermal pollutionNo waste gases and thermal pollution produced


As technology continues to evolve and manufacturers seek faster, less costly methods of production, Cold riveting has become the perfect choice for manufacturers. Today, cold riveting plays a vital role in industrial manufacturing. And with the ability to adapt to many different applications and materials, blind rivets can solve most of your thin sheet assembly problems.

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Rivmate is a leader in the riveting systems industry. Our years of experience and dedication to quality allow us to manufacture the best blind rivet for your project.Rivmate Cold Riveting Solutions can meet all of your thin sheet joining needs.

We offer sample service and free quotes for new customers. We help them to fulfill their orders quickly.

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Exploring the Art of Riveting Stainless Steel

Rivmate Fastener

Rivmate Fastener

Top Rivet and Rivet Nut Manufacturer in China

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Riveting Effect of Stainless Steel Blind Rivets

Get an in-depth look at what to look for when riveting stainless steel materials and explore the techniques, benefits and tips for quality connections.

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Riveting technology utilizes the deformation of the rivet and the unique internal locking involved to achieve a stable connection, revolutionizing the traditional method of joining stainless steel components.

Because rivets are quick to install, they provide a stable connection without damaging the surface structure of the material, ensuring that the stainless steel material is firmly bonded. Take an in-depth look at this effective method and explore its endless possibilities for joining stainless steel materials.

The Knowledge Behind Riveting Stainless Steel

Riveting is an efficient and accurate method for joining components made of stainless steel together. By using rivet  tools, this riveting process offers many advantages over traditional sheet joining methods. You can see the difference between riveting and other joining methods such as welding in our blog. Let’s delve into the knowledge contained behind riveting stainless steel.

Riveting Stainless Steel Material

Ⅰ.Material Compatibility

One of the key factors affecting the effectiveness of riveted joints is the combination between different materials. The contact of different materials with each other may or may not lead to many different results. Examples include galvanic corrosion, differences in thermal expansion, electromagnetic interference, wear or mechanical friction, mismatch of mechanical properties, insulation failure and electrochemical reactions.

Unlike traditional methods such as welding, riveting requires a clear consideration of compatibility between materials due to the need to use metal rivets to join materials.

Ⅱ.Minimising Rivet Failure through Correct Riveting

The use of rivets as riveting fasteners in the riveting of stainless steel materials offers significant advantages. This minimises engineers’ working time due to the rivets’ advantage of quick installation.

However, the rivets need to be correctly aligned and positioned. Ensure that the rivet and the material to be joined are accurately aligned to prevent deflection during the riveting process. This minimises the possibility of rivet failure and therefore improves the quality of the joint.

Riveting Stainless Steel

Ⅲ.Optimising Rivet Quality Through Correct Selection of Rivet Size

Understanding the rivet specification aspects associated with riveting is critical to optimising the quality and performance of the riveted joint. The proper rivet diameter and length may have a direct impact on the final outcome of the riveted joint.

For example, when riveting stainless steel, the rivet diameter needs to be selected to match the hole diameter, and the length should be sufficient to create a solid lock after riveting. This will ensure the best riveting results.

A large quantity of rivets

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Advantages of Riveting Stainless Steel

Riveted stainless steel offers several significant advantages. For example, high strength connections, ease of installation and efficiency make it the preferred choice for a variety of applications. Let’s explore these advantages in more detail below.

1.High Strength and Durability of Riveting

One of the main advantages of riveting is its ability to provide excellent strength and durability. It maximises the life of the structure. This is mainly due to the fact that the rivets’ reliable mechanical connection can withstand high stresses and loads.

2.High Productivity and Fast Installation

Compared to welding or bolting, riveting can increase the speed of installation and therefore productivity. Prior to assembly line installation, all that is required is to punch fixed holes in the material to be joined and the process can be completed quickly with the use of blind rivets. Increased speed means reduced production time and increased efficiency.

Fully Automatic Installation of Blind Rivets

In contrast to other thin sheet joining methods, riveting allows for unilateral installation. It is particularly suitable for applications where access from both sides is difficult and simplifies the assembly process. And the use of pneumatic riveting tools can complete the riveting process faster, can significantly improve production efficiency, very suitable for mass production of new.

3.No Need for High Temperature Operation

The riveting process is a cold process and does not involve high temperature operations. It can effectively avoid the problem of heat-affected zone during welding, and will not deform or degrade the material due to thermal stress.

Can always maintain the original mechanical properties of stainless steel material good corrosion resistance. Especially in high-strength and high-precision applications, the use of riveting is far greater than welding.

4.Keep Nice and Tidy

Another advantage of riveting is that it keeps the surface of the stainless steel material flat and smooth. No secondary surface preparation is required.

Automatic Riveting Stainless Steel Products

Like the welding process deforms the surface of the material through thermal stress and loses its original colour. This problem needs to be solved by secondary surface treatment. The use of riveting to connect stainless steel materials is very good to avoid this problem. After riveting, the stainless steel surface is flat and smooth, with good aesthetic effect. Ideal for applications requiring high decorative and aesthetic qualities. And riveted stainless steel does not require additional coatings or plating, saving handling costs and time, while providing natural protection against corrosion.

Factors to Consider when Selecting Blind Rivets for Riveting Stainless Steel

There are several factors to consider when choosing a blind rivet. The right choice can significantly affect the quality of the riveted joint. Let’s explore some of the key factors that should be considered.

1. Material Compatibility

When selecting blind rivets for stainless steel materials, the first consideration is to ensure that the rivet material is electrochemically compatible with the stainless steel material. In order to avoid galvanic corrosion, stainless steel rivets are preferred, or highly corrosive materials such as nickel-based alloys and titanium.

Custom Raw Material

In addition to electrochemistry, the coefficient of thermal expansion must also be considered. When riveting stainless steel materials, you should choose materials with a coefficient of thermal expansion similar to that of stainless steel. Prevent the occurrence of stress and deformation caused by temperature changes.

2. Matching of Apertures and Diameters

Matching rivet diameter to hole diameter is another important consideration when selecting a riveting system. Matching the hole diameter to the rivet diameter improves the quality of the riveted joint and the strength of the connection. It reduces the likelihood of rivet failure. Therefore, it is critical to select a rivet diameter that matches the hole diameter.

3. Cost Effectiveness

Of course, the last thing you should ignore when choosing the right blind rivets is the cost. As a qualified business owner, you need to choose the right metal rivets for the budget area of your project. Balancing cost and performance. While the best option for riveting stainless steel materials is to use stainless steel rivets, it can be more expensive. If you are not on a budget and the application scenario is not very demanding, you can also go for cheaper steel rivets.

Of course, consider the long-term benefits of riveting, including reduced maintenance, increased durability and longer service life. Still using stainless steel blind rivets will reduce the overall cost.

A large quantity of rivets

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Frequently Asked Questions

1.Can I Use Any Type of Stainless Steel for Riveting?

There are many types of stainless steel and rivets basically work well to rivet them. Whether it is lower toughness of 430 stainless steel, or high strength requirements of 410, 420 stainless steel, there are corresponding rivets can be well connected to them.

2.How Does Riveting Compare to Welding?

Compared with traditional welding methods, riveting has the advantages of speed and accuracy of installation, no heat generation and accelerated production efficiency. If you’d like to learn more about riveting vs welding, keep reading.

3.What are the Common Disadvantages of Riveting Stainless Steel?

Common defects include excessive deformation, material cracking, residual stress and fatigue failure. These defects can be minimized by adjusting the riveting pressure and optimizing the riveting process. This includes factors such as reducing stress concentrations and reducing tool travel.

4.Can I Use Riveting to Join Dissimilar Metals?

Yes, rivets can be used to join dissimilar metals (including stainless steel) to other materials such as aluminum, copper or titanium alloys. However, when doing so, material compatibility must be considered.

A large quantity of rivets

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In conclusion, riveted stainless steel has numerous advantages, but also has a number of shortcomings. By understanding the knowledge behind riveting stainless steel, you can improve your riveting stainless steel considerations and achieve satisfactory results in your projects.

Rivmate - Best Blind Rivet Manufacturer and Supplier

If you need to rivet a variety of metals, including stainless steel, Rivmate can provide you with matching high quality blind rivets. Our blind rivets provide better joint quality and stability for riveted joints. With Rivmate rivets, engineers can maintain consistent rivet quality.

We also offer tools such as high strength structural rivets and pneumatic rivet guns. We have experts in rivet customization, rivet manufacturing, rivet nut manufacturing and riveting tools. Now you can contact us for details and get the corresponding samples.

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